-1 MoVeD

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Josh walked slowly, he was on his way to school, again, every day was the same, never did anything exciting happen.

Josh was done.

He entered the school, made sure he never looked into someones gaze, of course they were watching him, the boy who didn't talk, Josh had read a book once, the main character didn't talk and the weirdest things happened to him. Josh, being Josh, then stopped talking, but life hadn't became any less boring, he was still normal. He decide to look up from the ground, only to find a new face, the person wasn't watching him.

Josh came closer to the newbie, the only person in the school he had never seen before, he was pretty sure the boy in front of him was new, because otherwise he would have been staring at Josh. The boy looked up and smiled at Josh. A genuine smile, Josh hadn't seen anyone smile at him in a long time. At home there was no one who cared, maybe his life was a little bit special, but only because he had to grow up without real parents, his dad had an affaire and his mom left to go to god knows where, his dad isn't home most of the time and he hasn't seen his mother in eleven years. He has a brother Jordan and two sisters, Abigail and Ashley but they had given up on Josh a long, long time ago.

'Hi I'm Tyler' the voice belongs to the brown haired boy in front of him. Josh only nodded, not willing to give up his two years of not talking. Tyler looks at him confusing written all over his face. 'Tyler what are you doing? Why are you talking to him?!' Zack walks towards the two boys, Josh rolls his eyes, he doesn't like Zack. 'Stay away from my little brother you freak' the words were harsh, but it's not like Josh has never heard them before. The fact that Zack is Tyler's brother does shock him, Tyler seemed nice and Zack is so.. so mean. Josh shakes his head, he doesn't even know the brown haired boy.. Josh walks away 'yeah leave, you loser' Zack says, Josh sighed, Zack has always hated him.

He doesn't know what it is, or why he feels it, but there is something about the boy with the red hairs and the broken smile that made Tyler want to hug him. But Zack had stopped him. 'Yeah leave, you loser' the hate in Zacks voice is clear to Tyler, he never heard his brother talk like that. The boy must be real trouble otherwise his brother won't talk to him like that.. right?

Tyler hadn't seen his brother for months, the last time he saw him was last Christmas and it was August now. The reason? Tyler's parents divorced, his mom found a new lover, they went away to travel the world, a new chapter, were his moms words. Zack decided to live with his father in Ohio, but Tyler didn't want to leave school, his aunt offered him a home, so he stayed in Europe with his aunt and uncle. It was his aunt who told him she couldn't take care of him anymore, it was his eighteenth birthday and he had to leave. Well not immediately of course but still. So he went to Ohio and moved in with his dad, he could take Zacks room, since he moved out.

'Who is he?' Tyler asks his brother 'trouble' is his simple answer. Tyler rolls his eyes, his brother isn't one to talk much. 'What's your first lesson?' Zack starts walking in the a random direction already 'English' 'where?' He keeps walking, but Tyler has to go the other way. 'I know where you don't have to walk me there, I have gotten proper instructions, I don't need you big brother' 'fine then, bye' Zack walks away leaving Tyler alone in the hallway. He looks around, not knowing what he is hoping to find, maybe the mysterious boy, maybe a potential friend, anyone really. But he is alone, he looks at his phone and suddenly it gets clear why he is alone, class started like five minutes ago!

Tyler rushed to the classroom, he hates to be the center of attention. But of course all heads turned to look at the 'new one' he hated that title, that had been one of the reasons he wanted to stay in his hometown, but here he is, new school, new life.

'Who are you?' The teacher looks at him with disgust, he probably doesn't like people who are late. Well oops? 'I'm Tyler I'm new!' He smiles at the teacher. There is only one seat that's not taken, and of course it's the one next to 'trouble'. Tyler looks at him, he looks back, there is no smile on his face, he looks away, the boy knows Tyler has to sit next to him and he doesn't like it.

'You can sit next to Josh' Finally Tyler knows 'troubles' real name. He makes his way towards the red haired boy and sits next to him. The teacher explains stuff that bores Tyler, his English is fine no need to improve it. He looks at Josh and sees he's writing in his notebook,. 'What are you writing?' Josh looks shocked as he closes his book. He shakes his head and turns his head away. 'Why aren't you talking to me?' The girl in front of the two boys turns around, the whole class is talking and Tyler realizes the teacher isn't teaching anymore. He just sits back. 'What are we supposed to do?' Tyler asks the girl in front of him, she smiles 'homework, but he never checks so we just talk' Tyler nods his head 'I'm Brooklyn, you're Tyler right?' 'Yep that's me' she smiles. 'I heard you ask Josh why he doesn't talk?' Josh looks up when he hears his name, he looks at Tyler, Tyler looks back at him. Josh's red hair draws Tyler's attention. Tyler thinks Josh is brave, he didn't know how people would react, yet that didn't stop him.

'He doesn't talk in general' Tyler looks back at the girl, what was her name again? Bryanna? Brooklyn? Yeah Brooklyn that has to be it. 'Why not?' 'Well let's say he never told anyone' she says on a duh-tone. Tyler looks at Josh who doesn't seem pleased about the fact that the two talk about him while he is sitting next to them. 'Okay thanks!' The girl shrugs her shoulders and starts talking to the girl next to her.

Hey Josh,
why do you not talk?

He places the note on Josh his table and Josh looks at it. He shakes his head and crumbles the paper.

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