-11 TrUtH

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'Josh are you okay?' Tyler pushes his friend, who has been staring at Jenna for the past five minutes Josh looks at Tyler 'we should play truth or dare?' Jenna suggests and Josh rolls his eyes, Tyler giggles, must be hard to play games if you don't communicate 'Josh, you can trust us! You can talk to us and we won't tell anyone you talked!' Jenna tries and this time it's Tyler who rolls his eyes, does Jenna really think it works like that? Is she stupid? Josh giggles and Tyler looks up, the sound filling his heart. Making it feel like it will explode soon. Maybe his feelings do go deeper than he likes to admit..

'Truth or Dare Josh, Truth is one finger Dare is two' Josh puts one finger in the air, making both Jenna and Tyler laugh, Tyler had promised not to ask too many questions, but here he is, asking Josh a question anyway 'what happened back in the forest?' He doesn't expect Josh to explain, he is just curious about the reaction the older boy will give him, but as soon as tears well up in Josh's eyes he regrets asking it. 'Oh Josh I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you shush' Tyler mumbles when he crawls closer towards his red haired friend, pulling him into a tight hug 'shush I'm sorry you don't have to explain sh I'm sorry' Tyler hates himself for asking such a stupid question. He knew it would hurt Josh..

Jenna smiles softly and Tyler smiles back 'I'll get you some water Josh.' Jenna smiles and Tyler loves how nice she is, he never met a girl as sweet as the blonde one walking down the stairs 'hey.. I'm really sorry' Tyler lays his hand on the back of the crying boy.. He sighs softly, Josh is rocking himself back and forward trying very hard to stop crying but Tyler stops him 'hey it's okay, you may cry, please do cry, I'm glad you cry and that I am here to hold you.. shush' Josh is gasping for air and Tyler recognizes the signs of a panic attack, Josh's crying makes Tyler heart break 'hey we will end up just fine okay?'

'Tyler, is there anything I can do?' Jenna hands Josh the water but he doesn't move, 'give me the water please' Jenna gives Tyler the water and he makes soft movements on Josh's back. 'Hey Josh, hey, you have to drink some water, come here' Josh holds Tyler like his life depends on it and Tyler never stops trying to calm him, and eventually Josh drinks a little bit of the water 'I'm so proud of you baby, you're doing great, shush don't forget to breath!' Baby he looks at Josh but the boy doesn't seem to mind the nickname his friend gave him. 'Calm Josh, breath' but as soon as Jenna talks Josh starts crying louder 'Jenna, I don't want to be rude or anything, I just think it's better if you leave..' Jenna looks down at Tyler and nods 'good luck with him!' Tyler nods and Jenna waves goodbye.


She is gone, he hates himself for being happy about the fact that the blonde girl had left, Tyler had made her leave, but then the younger boy makes a move to stand up from the hugging pose and Josh wants everything but Tyler leaving. 'Tyler' Josh whispers, he needs Tyler close.. Tyler sits back, 'shh, I'm right here, I won't leave' Josh loves how Tyler doesn't act like a miracle happened when Josh speaks, and somehow he doesn't hate himself as much as he used to after talking. He feels better even, he accomplished something, Tyler had stayed.

'Mind to tell me what happened?' Tyler looks sad, he looks afraid to ask, but of course he was curious, after Josh's breakdown he knew it was serious.. of course he did, Josh sits up and smiles a little, the dried tears still leaving a trace at his cheeks. 'Let me help you' Tyler smiles and he grabs a tissue, slowly moving it on Josh's cheeks, the moment was so peaceful, non of them wanted it to end, but then again, Tyler wanted to know what had happened, so he sits back 'take your time, I know it's hard for you.. maybe you feel better writing it down?' Josh shakes his head, if he is going to communicate, then it's going to be face to face. 'It happened two and a half years ago' he says, slowly and soft, not trusting his voice


As soon as Josh spoke the first sentence tears well up in Tyler's eyes, not because of the words he spoke, but because of the voice of the older boy, he sounded like an angle straight from heaven, Tyler couldn't understand why someone with a voice like that wouldn't talk. He secretly hoped he could hear him sing one day, but the knew they had a long way to go, to start with Josh sharing his biggest secret with him.

'I used to talk.. I had a friend back then, he understood me, you know Tyler, I don't like life' Tyler loved how he said his name, but he kept silent, giving Josh his time 'it's not exciting, every day is the same, it's boring, I want to live a life that people in movies and books live, you know.. things actually happen there, and my life.. it's too boring for me, I don't know how long I will stay Ty, I do. know that I will never find satisfaction on earth..' Tyler grabbed Josh's hand, trying hard to keep the tears in, 'Tyler.. Please don't look at me any different, please don't leave me after I say this okay?' Tyler nods 'I will never leave Josh' Josh nods, tears flowing down his cheeks.

'So me and that friend, we both didn't like life, and one day, we were in the forest, lying in the treehouse you found.. Did you rebuild it?' Tyler nods, he wondered why part of the treehouse was burned down, and he had the worst feeling about it as Josh opens his mouth again, 'the boy, my friend.. He told me it was time, I, of course, knew what he talked about, we discussed it almost every day, I couldn't wait for the day he would say it was time.. But now I look back I wish he had never said it..' Josh sighs before continuing 'Noah, de boy, gave me his lighter and I stood up.. I held it against the wooden wall and it didn't take long before it caught fire.. He pulled me beside him and held my hand as he closes his eyes.. He told me to do the same thing, it was like falling asleep he promised, so I closed my eyes as I felt my lungs fill with the smoke. The last thing I heard was the alarm from a firetruck.. next thing I know everything went pitch back' tears roll uncontrollably over Josh's cheeks and Tyler holds him 'I woke up in the hospital, I was all right they said.. I asked him how Noah was doing.. He.. He wasn't doing too well.. They told me he had died that day, I hated myself for surviving. We had been planning our suicide for months and he did succeed, I felt like I failed him and myself.. Next thing I was extremely angry with Noah, he had left me all alone in this terrible place, people thinking it was an accident, I told them it was.. That's the last thing I said, after that I stopped talking' Josh's takes another sip of the water as he looks Tyler in the eyes..

'Tyler? The boy.. It was uh.. Noah Black' Tyler shook his head, Jenna had told him about her brother dying in an accident..

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