-8 McNuGgEtS

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Of course he knows it was wrong, but it felt so right, but today everything is different, now Tyler is standing with Jenna, laughing and making jokes, Josh looks at the two together, yes.. They do look cute, but Josh want's Tyler to be his. Too bad nothing happened after the kiss, they worked on their Music project, making some new lyrics, Josh drumming this time. Tyler came up with the name 'holding on to you' and Josh was so proud of him. But Tyler kept his distance, Josh would give the world to look into Tyler's mind.

It was Monday, Tyler hadn't send a single message since Friday and Josh missed him already, even though Josh most of the time didn't even answer to the messages sended by his friend, he still wanted to recieve them. But then again, Josh didn't send Tyler anything either, afraid to being ignored or worse, rejected..

'Hi Josh' Josh lets the smoke escape through a little gap between his lips, it dissapears and Josh inhales some more smoke, not making eye contact with the person who just adressed him. 'Can you at least look at me?' He looks up from the ground and gets lost into two beautiful brown eyes. 'I don't ask you to talk to me again, I want you to listen' Josh nods, not saying a word, he didn't talk after telling Tyler not to cry, even though Tyler tried to get him talk.


'can you at least look at me?' I hated the fact that he blew the smoke right in my face, but I knew he needed it, especially after what happened Friday night, even I had no idea how to handle what had happened, I couldn't remember that I ever had feelings for a boy before, and I'm not sure if I did right now, I tried to understand what was happening to me, it took me the whole weekend and I still have no idea. As soon as Josh looks up I wish he didn't, his dark brown eyes look sad and Tyler can see that the older boy has cried.. a lot.

'are you okay?' Tyler walks next to Josh, he knows that the red haired boy won't talk, but why not trying? Josh shakes his head and a tear leaves his eye 'hey Josh shh what's wrong?' But Josh keeps walking without looking at Tyler. Tyler feels bad when he walks into his street, Josh walks straight ahead 'bye Josh..' Tyler whispers, for a split second he sees a small smile appear on Josh's lips but it dissapears as soon as it came. And Tyler walks towards his front door.

Tyler can't think about anything but Josh's lips, he has to get this feeling out of his head, he can't be gay right? And there is no way he is in love with Josh, Tyler feels a shiver running down his spine thinking about how Zack would react, he is afraid to think about it, his brother hates Josh, he thinks those gossips are the truth, maybe he is right? Maybe Josh has bad friends? Maybe he does drugs... after all, he smokes and Tyler never expected Josh to smoke. As Tyler thinks about it he asks himself how good he knows Josh? Not at all, not even a little bit, he hates himself for thinking the two of them were close, because as a matter of fact, Josh is a stranger. But did that mean Tyler felt something for a stranger? He had to get this idea out of his head, Josh wouldn't be in love with him, and he couldn't be in love with Josh, he saw one solution and one only.

Hey Jenna, wanna hang out?x


And I'll be holding onto you [2x]

Josh smiles and writes another sentence, now he has an idea about what the song is about writing goes even more easy. He wonders what Tyler is doing..

I'm taking over my body
Back in control, no more shotty
I bet a lot of me was lost
"T"'s uncrossed and "I"'s undotted
I fought it a lot and it seems a lot
Like flesh is all I got
Not any more, flesh out the door

The first verse is done, Josh smiles proudly, he takes a picture and sends it to Tyler, he hopes the boy will like it, but knowing Tyler, he will like anything Josh writes, simply because he can't write anything better. Josh shakes his head, he is so insecure but Josh knows for sure Tyler too can write something amazing, because after all, happy Tyler, had his dark side as well. Josh noticed that first when Tyler cried while hugging Josh, it was almost like Tyler needed to be hugged, and Josh felt the exact same way. He needed Tyler, and Tyler needed him. But somehow, neither of them where okay with saying these words out loud, scared about what might happen.

Hey, it's amazing! Wanna hang out tonight? We can go to McDonalds if you like? -Tyler


Josh was excited to meet Tyler in front of the McDonald's, not just because of Tyler but because of his extreme addiction to chicken nuggets, he had been so happy since Tyler asked to go for food at the McDonalds there are no better nuggets than McDonalds nuggets!

'Hey Josh! Time for food!' Tyler runs towards the red haired boy and he smiles widely, Josh smiled, confused because Tyler was late, and Tyler is never late 'oh my god I love cheeseburgers!' Josh looks at Tyler, pure terror filling his eyes. Ty eats cheeseburgers? Ty is supposed to eat chicken nuggets! There is one problem, Josh has no idea how to tell him. So he walks inside and points at the huge poster of a chicken nugget deal. 20 nuggets for €5... 'you want nuggets?' Josh nods, 'I take the cheeseburger tho' Josh steps in front of Tyler, blocking his way 'nuggets' he mimes with his lips 'yeah Josh I know you want nuggets, I'll get you some nuggets okay?' Josh rolls his eyes and Tyler smiles 'fine, I take the nuggets as well' Josh smiles widely and Tyler walks towards a girl, as he gives her his order Josh can see the girl flirt with Tyler, and he does not enjoy it. So he steps next to his friend, looking down at the girl, who quickly walks away 'jealous much?' Tyler asks and Josh turns red.

Tyler looks in utter shock at Josh, who looks completely devastated. Josh can't get his eyes of the nugget who fell on the floor, he never meant to drop it, it just happened. 'Josh you're not going to..' but Josh bows forward and grabs the nugget 'I swear you are not going to eat that nugget Josh, you can have one of mine, don't eat the floor-nugget!' But Tyler could have screamed anything really, Josh was determined not to waste such a perfect nugget, and so he brought his hand in the direction of his mouth, which opens almost automatically at the smell of the nugget 'Josh please, McDonald floor is not clean!' Tyler watches his friend with disgust as he finally pushes the nugget all the way in his mouth, chewing happily. 'I can not believe you just did that' Tyler mumbles and Josh smiles. 'You have a problem Josh'

As soon as Josh has swallowed the nugget he bows towards his backpack, grabbing the notebook that's inside 'Josh, work on our song at the McDonalds?' Josh looks confused, wasn't that the reason they were here at the first place? 'Can't we just enjoy the moment?'

For a second Josh wants to nod, but he knows that the song isn't going to finish itself, so he shakes his head and gives the notebook to Tyler, it's already opened on the right page, so Tyler isn't able to see the other creations Josh has made.

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