-20 hOlDiNg OnTo YoU

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Don't look back, keep going, don't look back.. he makes himself move forward even though he'd much rather fell right to the floor. 'Josh please wait!' But Josh kept running, he knew he was faster then the younger boy, he had always been fast, but right now his legs weren't cooperating as they fell like they could stop working any moment. He didn't mean it, he lied, he knew josh was listening.. those fucking voices in his head won't leave him alone, he knows Tyler battles with them as well, he remembers the text he had received just after Tyler had collapsed onto the bathroom floor, he won't forget that any time soon. But right now he simp,y couldn't care about Tyler. He just kept running, despite his feet feeling like they were going to give up, he had mental strength and that would get him further.

Of course he wasn't that strong, so only a few meters further he did fell to the ground, he hadn't ran that far though, just through the field behind the school where no one would see him. Well, no one? 'What the fuck are you doing here loser?' 'Hi Zack' 'ye I hard you talked again, wouldn't believe it at first, it's my brother isn't it, he is changing you. Pretty nice of him, too bad I told you to stay away from him' Zack blows the smoke out of his lungs and grins on the most evil way 'you did not listen to me Dun' Josh rolls his eyes 'please Zack, you don't understand, I need Tyler' pain flies through his chest, he needs Tyler.. but he ran away when he heard Tyler say that he loved Josh, why? Because he couldn't handle the emotions and right now he hated himself, Tyler felt insecure about liking Josh and what he did was terrible, he made the one thing Tyler was afraid of happening, happen. How could he be so stupid? Poor Tyler..

'You are making my brother ga-' 'shut the fuck up Zack, you need to listen to your brother, he and I are good friend, and if we decide to be more than that's none of your business, I really don't care about your death threats, I need to find Tyler right now' 'well loser you're running the wrong way' 'no shit sherlock' he mumbles under his breath as he starts running towards the school again 'hey Josh?' Josh looks back at Zack who inhales again 'you better don't break his heart' Zack smiles and Josh runs further.

'Josh Jesus there you are my god I am exhausted why can you run so fast? Wait why did you come ba-' Tyler is rudely interrupted by Josh who pulls him to his chest, almost squeezing him to death 'can't breath' Josh doesn't seem to care he keeps holding on to Tyler, hugging him tightly, enjoying the moment 'josh? You're killing me' finally Josh looses his grip and Tyler breaths in, josh smiles at him 'I'm so fucking sorry baby' Josh hugs him again, more careful this time. 'I'm so fucking sorry' Tyler feels tears leaving his eyes but he doesn't care, Josh holds him, he is doing fine.. 'what are you sorry for?' 'My terrible reaction, I should not run away when I'm scared for something, it's just..' 'what you usually do' 'what I used to do' Josh smiles slightly 'with you by my side I'm not afraid anymore, look at you Tyler, happy Tyler, you changed my life' Tyler smiles, tears still leaving his eyes as Josh pushes him a away so he can look into his eyes. Josh smiles slightly 'what in the world am I going to tell Debby?' He mumbles and Tyler feels a little break in his heart, Debby.. 'well, I'm sure she'll understand' two seconds later Josh lips are connected with Tyler's. 'I'm sorry baby' Josh repeats as he pulls back from the kiss. 'I'm sorry for everything.. I treated you unfairly and I'm sorry for that' Tyler smiles again, not able to stop, he stands on his toes and kissed Josh again, who pulls him a little bit closer, Tyler hands move to Josh's hair, he enjoys the moment.

'So boys, glad that the two of you are back' the music teacher smiles slightly 'so, you are the last duo to perform their song, please sit down, Ella and Kyle are first' the duo walks towards the self made stage, it doesn't look professional but it's fine, Kyle takes place behind the microphone and Ella sits down behind the piano. As she starts playing, Kyle starts singing, slowly at first but soon faster, and halfway through the song he is rapping, the whole class enjoys the music and Ella looks proudly in Kyle's direction 'thanks guys! It was an amazing opportunity to stand here' Kyle ends their performance and everyone laughs a little.

'So, Tyler and Josh, you ready?' Tyler nods, his hands become sweaty but he walks towards the stage anyway, followed by Josh, who sits behind the drums. 'Our song is called holding onto you, and it's mainly written by Josh, since I'm not that good at writing' 'bullshit! You did just as much as I did' Josh says loudly, the whole class is silent, waiting for the duo to perform.

'I'm taking over my body
Back in control, no more shotty
I bet a lot of me was lost
"T"'s uncrossed and "I"'s undotted
I fought it a lot and it seems a lot
Like flesh is all I got
Not any more, flesh out the door

It sounds great, Tyler sings without any fear and Josh drums like his life depends on it, they get lost in the music and both of them enjoy the moment, performing in front of a public that is not bigger then thirty people, but it's okay, all classmates are smiling and whispering in disbelief, none of them expected the two to create a masterpiece like this song, but here they are, singing their own song, in front of their surprised classmates.

'This was our song' Josh stand up from behind the drums and stands next to Tyler 'thank you for listening guys, you are amazing' Josh smiles proudly at Tyler who smiles back 'stay alive guys' and with that Josh jumps of the stage, standing between his classmates who are complimenting him, but Tyler is still standing there, on the diy-stage, looking nervous, a puzzled expression on his face. 'Tyler, are you coming down?' Tyler shakes his head and smiles at Josh 'I wrote a song myself, for Josh' Josh looks up as he hears his name 'for me?' Tyler nods, and the classroom falls silent again. Josh looks awkwardly into Tyler's eyes, none of them is sure what to do 'well, sing it!' The teacher smiles and walks onto the stage 'do. you have the chords my dear?' Tyler nods and gives her the chords, she smiles and takes place behind the piano.

'You say things with your mouth
Cobwebs and flies come out
I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow
Luckily I can read your mind
Flies and cobwebs unwind
They will not take you down
They will not cast you out'

He continues the song and as it comes to an end Josh jumps onto the stage again 'Tyler..' tears fill his eyes 'Tyler thank you' he whispers as he puts his arms around him 'thank you' tears wet Tyler's shirt but it's fine, it's all fine. 'Try to love me' Tyler whispers, thinking about Debby, he doesn't want Josh to love Debby 'I love you Tyler.. you' Tyler smiles sadly and looks into Josh's eyes 'do you really?' 'Of course I do, I just needed a little more time to figure it out, but I love you Ty' Tyler then is pulled back into reality as he looks at his classmates, some look at the duo with nothing but disgust, others smile politely, but everyone looks extremely awkward.

This is terrible.

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