-10 rEaLizAtIoN

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'Son?' Tyler looks up, surprise in his eyes, his dad stands in the doorway, Tyler had almost forgot what his dads voice sounded like, and now he talked again, it's been a very long time and Tyler tries not to sound too enthusiastic about the fact that his dad talks 'yes dad?' He can't hide his smile and his dad smiles back 'it's Zack's birthday, you coming?' Tyler shakes his head 'I'm sorry dad, I was at his place yesterday after school, I'm not coming, but tell him I said hi okay?' 'Sure Tyler, see you later! I won't be home early, you can call some friends to come over if you like?' 'Thanks dad, see you later!' Tyler's dad walks away and not long after he hears the front door shut.

Tyler feels a little bit bad about the fact that he didn't join his dad, but he isn't going to hear his brother tell him about how 'bad' Josh is twice a week, on top of that, Tyler had given him his present yesterday, nothing much, just a card and some money, but then again, it was his brother and he wasn't going to give him more of presents, it's not like Zack gives him amazing things..

Hey, wanna come over? I'm home alone

He sends the message to Jenna and Josh, he knows for sure his two friends will like each other! Within 5 minutes he has a message back from both, he cheers a little when he reads that Jenna en Josh both are coming over. He runs downstairs and grabs some chips, chocolate and popcorn, and puts it on a tray, he then opens the fridge and grabs soda, he takes three glasses and puts them on the tray as well. He walks towards his dads cabinet, slowly, like he is afraid to get caught, and opens it. He never had the change to before since dad never left the house but looking inside he feels his heart break a little, pictures of his dad and his mother holding hands, smiling at the camera, thy look happy with each other. Tyler grabs a few pictures and sees pictures of his mother without his dad, he assumes his dad is the one taking the picture, she laughs and looks at something behind her, the next picture is with a baby, Zack.. His mother holds the baby and his dad is standing behind her, holding her close. Tyler feels tears in his eyes, he can imagine his dad being depressed if he looks at these pictures daily. He grabs another picture, it's taken at a different place and a different time, he recognizes the house they used to live in, back in Europe, it wasn't the house he lived in with his uncle and his aunt, it was the house he lived in with his parents. He sees his mo, she isn't smiling and holds a baby again, next to her stands a little boy, Tyler smiles, looking at himself in the arms of his mother. He grew up without her, she left way too soon, leaving his dad to do the work, but his dad couldn't raise two kids, so his aunt and uncle decided to take care of the baby, Tyler.. the difference in their lives made the two brothers so different, when Tyler said right Zack would say wrong, when Zack said black Tyler said white, it was impossible to live with the two of them, they knew they were brothers, they just didn't feel like they were.

Tyler was overthinking everything, like what had happened between his parents, they seemed so happy, couldn't they just think about what might happen before they made two sons? Tyler was too deep into his thoughts to hear the front door open. He forgot about his friends coming over the moment he saw the pictures, tears flow down his cheeks and he hates himself for crying, he has cried so much the past weeks, he feels weak, before moving to Ohio he didn't cry at all. And now here he sits, looking at pictures, missing the love he was supposed to get.

He looks up when he feels a hand on his shoulder, as soon as their eyes meet, Tyler feels a little bit stronger, he didn't notice she walked in, but now she is here is doesn't want her to leave ever again. 'You okay Ty?' Tyler nods, Jenna gently takes the pictures from Tyler and puts them back in the cabinet 'come on, let's fix your face' she smiles as she grabs Tyler's hand and helps him on his feet. 'You to the toilet and put some water in your face, I will bring the tray upstairs' 'Jenna wait' the blonde girl stops 'Josh is coming too' the girl in front of him nods 'okay, want me to wait for him?' 'Please do' Jenna nods and places herself on the couch, 'you don't need to hurry, I will keep Josh company, take your time' Tyler nods, happy about the fact that Jenna understands how he feels. He hurries towards the toilet and looks at himself., he looks terrible, he feels terrible, he is glad his friends are coming over, he isn't sure what he would've done without them...


He walks into Tyler's house and feels the urge to turn around and leave, he ignores it and stares Jenna deadly in the eye 'hello Josh' he doesn't even smile at her. Instead he looks around, searching for the boy who asked him to come over, the boy who invited her as well.. the boy who doesn't love him the way Josh loves him.. 'Josh are you okay?' Jenna stand up from her place and walks towards him, why is she being nice? That makes it is much harder for Josh to hate her. 'Why don't you sit down? I'll bring you something to drink.. coke..? Water..?' Josh nods and Jenna disappears into a room from which Josh assumes is the kitchen, she knows her way in this house, she has been here before, ,when she even slept here.. Josh feels jealousy screaming from inside his body, he orders himself to calm down, not like it has ever worked before but a boy can try right?

As Jenna walks back in with a glass of water and a glass of coke Josh can't help but ask himself where Tyler is.. 'look, I know you and Tyler are friends, you know me and Tyler are friends as well.. and I know you have never liked me.. since you don't like anybody really.. but can we at least try to be nice to each other?' Josh looked t the floor, he somehow felt weird with Jenna close, he didn't know why but everytime she looked him in the eye he saw things that were supposed to be forgotten, he feels like all the air leaves his lungs and he is back at the place where he never wanted to be.. with him.

'hey Josh, you're probably wondering where Ty is?' Josh nods and Jenna starts talking, but Josh can't concentrate on a single words she says, instead his focus is at her lips, how they move while talking, her cheeks, how they get a little red and how the dimples in here cheeks appear and disappear with specific words.

She reminds him of someone.. and he wished she didn't

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