-14 It'S tImE

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'I haven't told her anything Josh!' 'I know Ty, don't worry, Jenna isn't stupid, she just knew' Josh doesn't look into Tyler's eyes 'he was her brother, she saw him changing' 'that was not your fault' 'I know' Josh then looks up 'I am a selfish asshole..' Tyler laughs a little 'o yes you are, trying to leave me alone, without even saying you loved me' Josh giggles, Tyler's heart feels like it's about to explode 'wow, no more giggles, I am dying of the cuteness' Josh laughs out loud now, no more giggling, a real laugh. 'I am glad you will tell Jenna everything she wants to know' 'I am nervous' 'just don't lie and nothing bad will happen to you' Josh smiles 'not helping' 'of course I am helping, I am the one next to you holding your hand remember, if you want me to I'll leave' 'you are way to curious to leave' 'I am not!' 'Fine, bye Tyler' Tyler shakes his head 'maybe I am curious..' Josh smiles 'I know' Tyler gives Josh a small kiss, afraid to have Jenna and her family walking in.

'Hey boys' Jenna walks in, she's wearing a black dress and even though it is simple, Tyler thinks she looks breathtaking. Not long after Jenna's appearance a woman walks in Tyler guesses she is mid-forty, she has a little smile on her lips and Tyler smiles back. She introduces herself as Sarah, Jenna's mom. Jenna explains she only brought her mom because her dad was working, it was a reassuring thought that her dad wouldn't come with, simply because in the most families the dad is the scariest. I handed Jenna a chair and she sat down next to her mother, Josh and I had decided that I would start the conversation.

'Hey mom, this is Josh and this is Tyler' She points at Tyler, the mother smiles, she knew Josh, he was her son's best friend. Josh had told Tyler about the nights he had slept at Noah's place, meeting the whole family, he made sure Tyler wasn't too stressed about the meeting with Jenna and whoever she was going to bring, because it was the nicest most normal family he had ever met, they were stereotypes, the perfect family.. Until Noah died of course, the smile on Sarah's face had never fully returned after losing her only son.

'so, I'm glad the two of you made some time to come talk to Josh, I understand that you have a lot of questions but please, do keep in mind that Josh is recovering from several bad burns, breathing problems and a broken leg' Tyler looked down saying the last part, he was the one who broke Josh's leg, dropping him instead of helping him out of the treehouse, Tyler didn't know he had broken Josh's leg until the doctor came in to tell them his leg was actually broken, and there is no way a leg breaks because of a fire.. So Tyler had to explain he dropped his best friend. No one seemed to mind though, after all, he had saved his life.

'And on top of that, Josh hasn't talked for a few years, he has a hard time getting used to talking again, so please, be cautious with what you ask and the amount of questions you ask.. Of course he would love to answer everything, but maybe we should make anther appointment then, because he is having a bad day today, very tired and a lot of pain..' Tyler looks at his best friend, he isn't doing much better than before, and it's almost like his condition is worsening, even though doctors don't have a logical explanation for that.. 'So uh.. let's go?' Josh chuckles and Tyler smiles back at him.


'What were his last words?' Josh knew this question was coming, as soon as they had started asking questions he felt the pressure building up, he knew this was the hardest question to answer. It wasn't 'tell my mom I loved her' like she hoped, it was a lot darker..

'his last words were..' he wipes a few tears away, taking a deep breath, he doesn't want to keep them in suspense, but it's hard to say out loud, he had dreamed the words many times.

'Josh, grab my hand, lay down, close your eyes' Josh smiled a little, letting the memory of his best friend in, reminding it like he has never done before, not even in that burning treehouse he could get this close to his dead friend. Tears roll down uncontrollably. 'It's like falling asleep, it won't hurt..' Josh smiles a little, burning was one of the most painful ways to take your life, you would feel it, jumping in front of a train wouldn't hurt, jumping of a bridge would be like flying, cutting your wrist would hurt, but not as bad as feeling your body turn to ash, you could only wish you would pass out fast so it wouldn't hurt as bad, but after all that the two boys had gone through, dying was the most painful..

'Josh, calm down, it's time now.. It's time.. We have been in this hell way too long, it can't get any worse okay, our lives will be extraordinary, we will live a special life.. It's time' Josh didn't know he remembered the words this well, but it was exactly what his best friend had said that night, it was time.. But not for Josh, if it was time for Josh, he would've died, he would've been with Noah right now.

'it's time' Jenna whispers, tears flowing down her cheeks, Josh looks at Tyler, he tries to comfort the blonde girl, but he's worthless 'it was time Jenna, it was exactly what he wanted, he would not find any satisfaction in this life.. He had been unhappy for too long.. He deserved something better, you know that.. You know he wished to be dead everyday, you know he did that, he wanted this, we tried our best Jenna, but he didn't want our help, he wanted to greet dead' Josh sighs, the words of their mom stinging like a fresh wound, maybe Noah's dead wasn't so far away at all, maybe he never fully accepted it.. Maybe he never will. He looks around the room and feels his eyes get heavy, he is so damn tired..

'Josh?' He tries to open his eyes 'it's okay, go to sleep, thanks for everything my dear boy, I'm glad you survived, it's not your time yet sweetheart, stay strong' he feels two lips kiss his forehead and smiles softly, Noah's mother was exactly how he remembered her, a generous sweet woman..

Then sleep found him.

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