-3 CoNtAcT

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he sends his aunt a message, she is worried about Tyler, of course she is. Tyler rolls his eyes, first she tells him to leave, next she is worried sick. But Tyler is doing okay, he misses the love his aunt and uncle would give him, since his dad isn't a very loving person. Tyler isn't even sure if his dad has noticed that his youngest son had returned home.

He grabs a paper, he isn't much of a writer but for this Music project he is okay with giving it a try.

i know what you think in the morning, when the sun shines on the ground, and shows what you have done, it shows, where your mind has gone.

it took him thirty minutes but there is a senteces on paper. He is proud, well, he would've loved a little more ideas but for now, it's all he's got, and he's okay with it.

He still hopes that he will find a way to look inside Josh's mind, the silent boy who keeps everyone on a distance, he wants to get closer to him, he seems so lonely, but it's almost like Josh wants to be lonely, he has heard a lot of stories about the silent boy, non of them where nice, all the kids in this school make Josh look like a loser, which, according to Tyler, he isn't. He is just misunderstood, and lonely.

Tyler can't imagine how he feels, yet he wants to try. 'Hey ehm Josh?' the red haired boy looks up from his phone, he was playing a dumb game, Tyler had been watching. 'We, eh, maybe we should, eh' he is afraid for the answer but if he doesn't ask the question he will never know the answer 'exchange phonenumbers?' Josh gives him a weird look, like Tyler said, he seems to like being alone. 'F-for the project' Josh nods, and Tyler sighs, he's relieved, glad that Josh isn't angry with him. Josh reaches out and Tyler puts his phone in Josh his hand. Josh types fast, very fast. He soon gets his phone back. And his heart breaks when he sees the name Josh has given himself.

that freak

Josh looks down at his hands, and Tyler shakes his head in disbelief. 'Josh no' he whispers and Josh looks up 'look at me' Josh does what Tyler says and Tyler shakes his head again 'you aren't a freak to me, okay, here look' he changes the name into Josh ♥


what is this boy doing? Putting a heart behind his name, it doesn't make sense, why would he do this? Is this a joke? He unlocks his phone to find a message

Do you talk over Whatsapp? x Ty

Josh smiles at his phone, he probably looks like an idiot, but this boy is putting effort in him and he doesn't dislike it.

do I have a choice?

He pushes send, the first time in two years he sends a message, he kept everything to himself, and now, he feels bad about himself, how could he just throw two years of silent away, well he didn't use his voice, but still, Tyler is getting closer to him and he knows it. Tyler is breaking down his walls, and how hard Josh is trying, he seems to be okay with Tyler close.


he dances around the room, he is so happy, Josh sended something back! He never fully thought he would get in contact with the red haired boy but he is now, he is getting closer, all he really wants is a friendship with the boy with the broken smile, maybe, maybe even getting a genuine smile on his face. Tyler doesn't even know why, he just wants Josh to be happy, and he knows nothing about Josh, but the text Josh had sended him brought him one step closer to Josh Dun.

Well I'm glad you do, we have one little problem.. I can't write.. at all x

He feels bad about the fact that he can't write, he lets Josh down this way, but Josh had all the rights to know.

we have two tiny problems, I don't sing

Tyler laughs, he didn't expect anything else. He just hopes Josh can write, and as far as Tyler knows, Josh writes a lot. All the phrases in his notebook, not like Tyler could read them, he just knows they are in there. It's the door that leads to Josh's mind..

So, when are we going to work on this?

As soon as the boys have set a date to work on their project Tyler stars writing again, he realizes it isn't much, yet he doesn't have anything better and he doesn't want Josh to do all the work.

Night falls with gravity,

The earth turns from sanity,

Taking my only friend I know,

He leaves a lot, his name is "Hope".

He has no more, this is all his mind can give him for now. He hopes Josh will be okay with it. Of course he will try to make some more, but for now, this is what he's got. And let's get real, he is kinda proud of his creation. He wants to show Josh, but maybe it's better to wait till he sees Josh again.


Remember the moment, you know exactly where you going, 'cause the next moment, before you know it, time is slowing and it's frozen still, and the window still looks very nice right, you think twice about your life it probably happens at night, right?

It was the only text Josh was kind of okay with showing Tyler, he couldn't wait for school to start so he could show the younger boy what he had created. Josh shook his head, he shouldn't think like this, the only reason Tyler was so nice to him was the project, as soon as the project was done, he wouldn't see Tyler again.

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