-7 KiSs YoU

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He look at Josh running away 'WAIT JOSH' he jumps of the ladder and groans when a strong pain goes through his ankle, no, now is not the time, he starts running despite the pain he feels. 'Josh please' as Tyler is running he thinks about the boy in front of him, his sprained ankle won't let him run faster as the red haired boy, he growls in pain and stops running, he isn't even close to the end of the forest, he sits down and looks at his ankle, it's a little swollen, but nothing too bad, he looks defeated, Josh left him when Tyler wanted to show him a place that had became special to him, why? Was it the fact that Tyler trusted Josh? Was it the treehouse? Tyler didn't know the answer, he did know he had to start walking if he wanted to be home before darkness took over the village.


He felt a little bit sorry for Tyler, he run of without explaining why, not like he would have talked to Tyler. He wipes a tear, he said 'no', he made a noise, he TALKED.. He never felt this bad, and there is only one way to feel better. He pulls his hoodie over his head and walks into the cold evening, he walks past Tyler's house and smiles sadly, he will definitely feel better if he is away from this street, he walks a little faster until he sees the bridge,

next to the bridge is a bit of sand, you can jump right into the water from there, groups of teenagers swim here every day, but not around these hours.. he walks slowly towards the waterside. As he stands next to the water and watches it flow by, he starts to untie his shoes, slow and careful, there is no need to rush, being here there is no stress at all, it takes away all the worries. Josh loves this place, it's his new treehouse.

He slowly puts his feet in the water, shivers because of how cold it is and grabs his notebook out of his bag, it is time to write, he has to make it up to Tyler, and the only way to do that is by writing, since they hadn't had the change to make some lyrics after school.


He rocks himself back and forwards, still trying to think of a song text, why is the only thing popping up in his mind Josh? Why isn't he thinking about Jenna? There is not a single part of his brain that wants to think about Jenna, he is worries sick about his newest and best friend. If only Tyler could look into his mind. He isn't even sure if he could manage the darkness hidden behind the broken smile.

Josh, I don't know what happened back in the forest, but I sure hope you're alright..x

He shakes his head and deletes the 'x' then he sends, please Josh, please be okay..?


Josh helps himself up, like he always does, he dries his feet with his socks and puts on his shoes, a shiver running down his spine, Jesus the water was cold, but he is calm now, the memories have been washed away, he threw them in the flow of water. He know they would come back, they always do, somehow he can't make them leave for good. He walks back home, avoiding Tyler's street, the boy makes him feel the weirdest ways, and even though Josh doesn't like to admit, he feels stronger feelings for the brown haired boy, happy Tyler..


He needs to see Josh, he just has to, he needs Josh. Wait what?

Josh? I'm coming over

The message is read, and as soon as Josh starts typing Tyler pushes the home button, no way he will look like he is obsessed with the red haired boy. No way.

You better hurry, I'm closing the door

Tyler smiles widely. 'Dad you can close the door! I have my keys' 'hm hm' of course that's all he gets. He takes a quick look at the clock and sees it's only nine pm. And it's Friday so nothing to worry about, when he arrives in the right street his stomach starts making somersaults, Tyler tries hard to calm himself but he is shaking. Damn what does this boy do to him? He better keeps walking, he doesn't want to show up at a locked door.

Tyler watches Josh's brother and sisters as they stand in the front door, Josh hugs the youngest sister and then waves, as soon as he sees me he leaves the doorway and walks over to me. The two girls and the boy way towards me as well. 'I'm sorry, I don't think we have met?' The oldest girl smiles at Tyler and Tyler nods, he hadn't been at Josh' place before. 'I uh I'm Tyler' 'hi Tyler, my name is Abigail' the youngest looking one says while shaking his hand. Tyler can't remember giving her his hand, but sure.. 'my name is Ashley, I'm the oldest girl in this family, and the most mature person' she smiles at Josh 'hi I'm Tyler, a friend of Josh' 'I didn't know my brother had my friends, I don't mean that to sound rude or anything but since he uh.. doesn't talk it seemed pretty hard for him to find any friends, I'm Jason, his little brother' Tyler shakes his hand as well 'we are really happy that you are here Tyler' Abigail whispers 'please save him' they then tell me that they were just about to leave and wave us goodbye. 'Hi Josh' Josh smiles

'I couldn't think about anything but you.. I was worried' Tyler admits and Josh pulls him into a hug, never before has Tyler felt this save, he wraps his arms around Josh and feels the red haired boy smile too. A tear leaves Tyler's eye, if only he could stand like this forever, but Josh soon disconnects their body's and Tyler notices the tears in Josh's eyes. Here they stand, two broken boys in the middle of the street.

Josh brings his hand forward and wipes away the tear on Tyler's cheek 'don't cry' he whispers the tears that Tyler had kept in start flowing over his cheeks now. The connection between the boys growing with the second 'Josh' is all Tyler says and Josh grabs the younger boys hand, pulling him inside. As soon as the front door closes Josh connects his lips with Tyler's.

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