-13 ShE kNoWs

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He felt bad, he had to tell Jenna about what had happened between him and Josh, but he simply couldn't, he was afraid of her reaction, yes she accepted him, gay, bi or straight, or anything intbetween those, Jenna would love him despite his sexuality , but Tyler was afraid he would say too much, he was afraid he would tell Jenna about her brothers 'accident' he couldn't even look the blonde girl in the eye anymore. Josh wasn't at school just yet, he was still at the hospital, recovering from the fire. His wounds weren't healing the way they should and one wasn't healing at all, one burn was getting worse with the day and Tyler worried sick about his friend.. Well, friend? After what had happened at the hospital, he wasn't sure if you could call them 'friends', but none of them had made it official.

'Tyler, you all right?' Since the whole school had heard what had happened to Josh, Tyler was suddenly popular, everyone wanted to talk to the boy who saved him, and Josh wasn't 'that weirdo who doesn't talk' anymore, everyone felt sorry for him, he was misunderstood. Tyler didn't feel better because of the change of mind that had take place in this school, Josh wasn't his anymore, other people would want him, he wasn't the only one that cared for him anymore, suddenly the whole school wanted to know when he was coming back, how he was doing or why he decided to set the treehouse on fire. Tyler didn't say a word to those curious people, if they liked Josh Dun so much, he wouldn't have tried to kill himself, would he?

Tyler turned around, not rude enough to ignore people. 'Yes, I'm fine, oh hey.. Jenna' he smiles at the blonde girl, more nervous as before, he tries his best to look calm but he obviously isn't 'hey, I know you probably don't like to talk about Josh, but what happened that night after I left?' Tyler's eyes grow wider 'uh I uh.. Don't uh.. uh' he tries hard to make up something but his mind leaves him alone 'I can't remember' Jenna laughs a little 'you can tell me' 'I rather don't' 'oh my god, you guys had sex!' Tyler starts coughing, utterly in shock 'excuse me? We did not do that! Jenna jezus what do you think of me?' Jenna smiles widely 'sucks, would have been a good story.. Well, if you don't want to tell me what has happened, I will find out my own way, can I join you after school? We're going to Joshua' Tyler shakes his head 'I don't think he wants visitors' 'so you're not going either?' Tyler shakes his head, he definitely is going, but he doesn't want Jenna to join him so lying is his only option right now.

'hey Josh, I came as fast as I could, but my dad insisted I stayed a while to talk with him, he is doing better' Tyler rambles as he walks into the hospital room 'I knew you would come!' Tyler looks to his right, terrified 'Jenna?' He then looks at Josh, looking extremely uncomfortable 'I didn't know you would go without me..' Tyler sighs, defeated. 'I wouldn't go without you, Josh is more your friend than mine, but I knew you would go to see him' Josh still looks uncomfortable, Tyler feels for the boy.


She looks so much like him, he can't even find words to explain in which ways, the way she talks, moves, and of course, the expressions on her face, they remind him of Noah, it hurts. 'Jenna, I really think you should go' 'why? Why am I not allowed to see him Tyler? Afraid I take him from you?' Josh looks up, surprised by her angry words 'or is there something else you won't tell me?' Her eyes leave Tyler's and she turns around 'is there something else you won't tell me?' She asks again, this time she looks Josh in his eyes, he feels extremely uncomfortable with her eyes digging into his, he feels like she looks right through him. 'I know what happened back then was not an accident, I knew my brother, he was depressed' Jenna walks closer to the bed 'and with you trying to kill yourself in that fucking treehouse' she takes two more steps, Josh feels trapped in the hospital bed, even if he wanted to, he couldn't leave the bed, the burn on his leg hurting too bad if he would stand up. 'I know, Josh, I know Noah did the same thing, and I know, you were there' The way she says Noah's name makes shivers run down Josh's spine. 'I know, you too tried to kill yourself, I know, you hid that information from me and my family' Josh is terrified as he sees the look in her eyes. She knows..

'You hid that from my family Josh, you could have told us it wasn't an accident, but you, you played the part, you told that doctor that it was an accident, how can you sleep at night? Knowing you left our family broken, without answers? You could've helped us to live with the loss of my brother, you could have given us answers, but instead, you stopped talking, how extremely selfish of you' Josh sees a tear running down Jenna's cheek, selfish.. 'And now, now you tried to leave too, you saw the damage Noah did with dying right? You saw his family falling apart, searching for answers, you saw us missing him, even you Josh, even you were broken, and now you did the exact same thing, to Tyler' Tyler looked up, hearing his name, he tried hard to stay unnoticed.

'You tried to leave' she whispers 'you're such a selfish asshole' she shakes her head in disbelief 'you are the only one with the answers, and you tried to leave' she tries hard to stop crying but tears keep rolling down her cheeks

'I'm so sorry' Josh says quiet, Jenna looks up, surprise covering her face 'y-you talk?' Josh smiles and nods 'I will tell you everything you want to know, I'm so sorry Jenna'

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