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The sound of glass shattering to the floor stopped me. I whirled around. Darkness stared me in the face. Something was wrong. It was too quiet for it to be a gang and the bedroom was dead silent after the broken window fragments fell to the carpet. If this was a group trying to mess up houses, then I would have heard them again. During the night, I felt as if someone was watching me as I walked to the house. Was I being followed? The streets were totally empty the whole night, which wasn’t normal. Normally there was at least someone out on the street, probably drunk and staggering their way home.

 A cool breeze had filled the air. Shadows followed me, yet there was nothing casting them. I probably shouldn’t have gone to my old house, but I needed to revisit this place one last time. This is where everything had happened. This used to be my house where my parents used to raise my brother and I. This is where all the memories were.

I fumbled for the light switch. My hand trembled as I flipped the switch. There stood my biggest fear. The only noise was the sound of my steady breathing, which soon became rapid.

The demon appeared in my room. I gasped. I stumbled backwards in shock, which made him focus more on me. I had seen him before in my dreams, but had never seen him face to face. This was real life, not just another one of my nightmares.

His human appearances distracted me for a moment. His short, jet black hair and muscular, tanned body were beautiful. Then there were his eyes. His blood-red irises were unforgettable. He looked so human, yet his eyes told me otherwise. He stared at me in concentration and I desperately wanted to know what he was thinking.

Every time in my dreams, this same demon would kill me in the most unimaginable ways. My body trembled at the thought. A scenario from one of my visions suddenly became more vivid; the demon slicing through my delicate, pale white skin with its five knife-like nails on each hand, its razor sharp teeth smirking at me as blood poured everywhere from my wounded body. I drifted in and out of consciousness seeing the demon stare at me, waiting for me to finally die.

I met a violent death in every nightmare about him, so how was meeting him in reality going to be any different? My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. I was usually way braver than this but this demon wasn’t like the others. This demon made a goal to kill me, starting off in my dreams and working up until this moment.

Running was pointless. He would just catch me in a matter of seconds. I had known he would come for me, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon. He probably knew I would come here eventually. He wanted to kill me in the very place where my nightmares took place.

I had killed hundreds of demons before, but this one was different. Sure, he was just like every other demon but he had already weakened me by being in my dreams and haunting me. My gut told me that I couldn’t kill him and that this night would turn out badly for me. Maybe it was because in my dreams, I was always defeated, or maybe it was the cocky look on his face that showed me that he wasn’t scared. How was I supposed to kill him knowing that every night I had failed to destroy him?

Adrenaline was racing through my veins as I stared into the familiar eyes of the demon. This time I wouldn’t wake up after I died. He was so far from me, yet so close. I tried to clear my mind of thoughts other than those concerning this battle, but sadly, it didn’t work. My mind kept thinking of how I was going to die.

            Focus, Katie. Focus, fight and live. Remember Cole. You can’t leave him.

            I pictured him ripping out my insides and laughing as I screamed in pain. It was like I could feel the pain as he dug his razor sharp nails into my chest. I would start to choke and gasp for air as he sucked the life out of me, giving himself pleasure as he ate my soul.

            Stop! Stop, thinking. Focus on target. You can beat him. Think good thoughts.

            He took a step closer, but instead of backing up like I normally would, I froze in place with fear. My legs refused to listen as my mind screamed at them to back away. I felt like time was standing still and that everything was frozen in place besides the demon. As my heart skipped a couple beats, I found myself forgetting to breathe.

            “Kaitlin. Are you ready to die?” He snarled as he took another step forward.

            Hearing his cruel voice speak to me was just spine tingling. A drip of sweat streamed down from my forehead to the ground. When would he strike? Is he playing cat and mouse with me? Does he want me to be terrified and anxious? He keeps dragging this out, to keep me waiting and guessing when he would attack.

            I wanted my brother to come and rescue me. I know I snuck off to this place by myself without him because I wanted Cole to trust me and know that I could protect myself. Obviously, that plan wasn’t working out to well. My heart was still racing at a hundred miles an hour. I felt the sharpness of my knife poke the back of my thigh in my back pocket.

            He stared at me with a questioning look on his face. I watched as his eyes glanced at the same leg where the knife was located. Sure, he had to know I was a hunter. It wasn’t that hard to figure out. Normal people wouldn’t be able to see the red eyes that the demon had. Also, most fifteen year old girls don’t carry knifes with them. 

            My hands were behind my back and my right hand was on my weapon, ready to attack when the time was right. This was life or death; now more than ever, I couldn’t afford to mess up. This was my time to prove to myself that I was a true hunter and that I could face anything.

This is a story I had on here before but I'm going through and editing it as I post it. Let me know how this is as a beginning. Thanks and please Vote and Comment!!! :)

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