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            It was a little after twelve o’clock when we decided to finally leave the beach. We had too much going on to go hunting and since ever demon knew who I was, I couldn’t risk hunting right now. More and more people starting showing up at the beach so we knew it was best to leave. The few hours at the beach were probably the best. Cole, Brad and I sat around, talking and actually acting like normal teenagers. I hated to leave the beach and return to reality, where I was in danger and the world was still messed up.

            We were walking around, trying to find a place to live, when my phone started to vibrate. I pulled it out and saw Robert’s name pop up on the screen. We walked into a nearby alley, not wanting anyone to hear the conversation with Robert. I answered the phone to hear his rapid voice.

            “Katie, meet me at the same diner as before. We need to talk. Get here as fast as you can.” Robert said, before hanging the phone up without letting me reply.

            I stared at the phone as I pulled it away from my ear. Did that really just happen? I exchanged looks with Brad and Cole. I explained to them what he said and we decided that what he had to say was urgent, so we started to run to the diner. I thanked myself for the three months of demon hunting because I was in perfect shape and running three miles to the diner was a piece of cake. Now, before then, I would have been lucky to make it half a mile without passing out.

            Once we reached the diner, I was covered in sweat from the humid day, and my heart was frantically beating. My mind tried to think of things Robert would say, but I couldn’t help but worry as I entered the diner. Robert was sitting in the same seat as before. His face was pale, white and his hands were slightly shaking. I quickly took a seat across from Robert and Brad and Cole stood next to the table.

            “It’s happening.” Robert breathed.

            “What’s going on?” I asked, feeling sick to my stomach at how he was acting. Usually, Robert was calm, cool and collected, but right now, he looked a mess.

            “Kendra’s plan is going into play. The Consilia Daemonum has been fully destroyed and now, Kendra is going to send for more of her demons and take over Earth. By midnight tonight, all humans will be under demon control, and being put into a type of concentration camp. They aren’t going to kill all the humans, but force them into slavery. All hunters will be locked in a certain area, where Kendra will personally decide if they should die or not and if they are a threat. Things are already getting ready to take place.” Robert said.

            “What? She can’t possibly do this. There are too many people to control.” I said, my eyes widened with fear.

            “Do you know how many demons there are in Hell?” He asked.

            I shook my head.

            “Enough to take over the entire world within hours. Since the Consilia Daemonum was destroyed, all the demons have started to listen to Kendra. She is their leader now and they won’t rebel against her, she has gained that much power already.” Robert whispered, getting paler by the second.

            “What can we do?” Cole asked, snapping out of shock.

            “Nothing.” Robert quickly replied, not making eye contact with any of us.

            “Bull shit, there has to be something we can do.” Brad snapped, crossing his arms as he glared at his father, who wouldn’t even look at him.

            “There isn’t. All we can do is wait for it to happen. If you don’t fight back, maybe they will let you live.” He said.

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