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I jerked awake, covered in cold sweat and tears. My dreams were so vivid, I couldn’t handle it. Did this mean something? Was my horrid fate of finally dying coming soon? Cole was next to me, still sleeping as he usually did. I checked the time and it was five thirty.

I groaned but forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom where I started to get dressed. I wore my usual clothing, a tank top and shorts. I began to wonder what we were going to do about Kendra.

 We needed to stop her but she was a powerful dark angel and we were just a bunch of demon hunters. I shook away the thoughts and decided that we would talk about that when everyone was awake.

After going downstairs, trying not to wake anyone up, I grabbed a quick breakfast, even though I rarely ate breakfast. Once I was done eating, I walked outside, letting the cooler air hit my exposed skin. It felt nice, compared to the mucky apartment that still smelled disgusting.

“Can’t sleep either?” A voice echoed behind me.

I spun around to see Brad standing in the doorway. He still wore sweat pants and a plain, white shirt that he wore to bed. His short brown hair was slightly messed up from sleeping but you could barely tell.

“Not really, woke up early and didn’t want to go back to bed.” I said.

“Same here. My dad’s snoring also kept me up.” He smirked, and for some reason I found that really funny and I laughed loudly.

Brad came and sat down beside me and we sat in silence for a few moments before we both decided to speak at the same time.

“What are we going to do about Kendra?” I asked.

“So is everything between you and Cole good?” He asked at the same time as me.

We both started to laugh at our simultaneous talking. Brad went to speak but so did I, which made us laugh even more. I was surprised at how much two people could laugh at about six in the morning. I was actually thankful that Brad had joined us because he lighted the mood so much and he also had become a great friend to me, which is what I needed for once in my life.

“To answer your question, yes everything is alright between us.” I finally said.

“That’s good, I was afraid I would have to be the messenger for your guys. To answer your question, I’m not sure what to do about her. The only thing I can think of to stop her is to kill her.” Brad said.

“How are we supposed to do that? She is an angel and we are just humans?” I asked.

“No flipping idea.” Brad laughed.

“We need to think of something though because she is out there and causing damage. We also should probably move again before Kendra sends her demons after us.” I said, standing up. Brad followed me and together we walked inside and sat in the living room. Footsteps from upstairs told me that Cole and Robert had to be awake and getting ready.

Brad and I sat in silence until Cole and Robert finally came downstairs. I had tried to think of ways to kill Kendra because if she was out of the picture then hopefully demons would go away or at least stop trying to take over.

Cole smiled slightly at me as he came and sat down besides me. Robert made his way and sat on the couch as well. Something seemed off though; he acted like something was bothering him. Usually he would have said good morning or something but he remained quiet.

“Morning.” I said to both of them but I just got a smile from Cole and nothing from Robert.

            “Is everything alright?” I asked Robert.

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