Friend Zoned

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            I placed my knife back in my pocket and continued to walk. All that was on my mind was the poor girl. She knew nothing about this world and how truly messed up it was. She didn’t deserve to die, not the way that she did. There was nothing I could have done to save her, I tried my best but sometimes your best just isn’t enough. My stomach turned at the image of Lilly’s motionless, bloodied body. I felt terrible that I had to leave her corpse there in the middle of the alley, but there was nothing else I could do. Later on, either demons or humans would find her body and dispose of it.

            Seth’s house wasn’t too far from here but I wasn’t looking forward to seeing him. I was nervous to talk to him about this. I just had a girl die right before my eyes and now I have to go and talk about my relationship with a demon, who clearly liked me. I remembered the hurt expression on his face when I bolted out of his house after the kiss. You can’t really blame me, I panicked.

            When did life get so complication, oh yeah, it’s always been this way? Just a few days ago, I was out killing demons on my own and now I have bigger problems to worry about. Seth and Kendra. Both of them were stopping me from my daily routine and killing demons. I was worrying too much about them. I just needed to clear my mind of them, but then I forgot whose house I was going to, Seth’s.

            Seth’s house was just a few feet away and I debated turning back and leaving but then I saw the front door open and I knew there was no turning back. I walked up to the front door and was greeted by Seth. He stared at the ground and I hated the awkwardness between us. His eyes widened when he saw the dried blood on my arms.

            “I’m fine. It was just a group of guys that attacked me.” I said nonchalantly.

            I didn’t want to mention Lilly because then he would know that I’m not as fine as I said I was. I pushed away the thought of Lilly and took a seat in the living room. Seth followed slowly behind and I could tell he was upset about me running out on our kiss.

            “Look, I’m sorry for the kiss. I wasn’t thinking when it happened.” Seth apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

            “I will be completely honest with you and say that I’m extremely confused. This can’t work out. We can’t be a thing, you know that, right?” I admitted, staring into Seth’s bright red eyes and I knew I was making the right decision.

            “I guess you’re right. We are too different to be together. I’m just sorry we couldn’t work out.” He said, frowning.

            “I wish it could work, but it will never happen. You are immortal, I’m not. I kill your kind every day. I’m in danger every day, every second. We aren’t even the same species. I’m sorry, Seth.” I frowned, hating to hurt him because I did care about him, just not in the way he wanted me too. He had to understand that there were more cons to a relationship than pros.

            “It’s fine, I understand. We can still be friends, right? I would hate to lose you as a friend.” He asked, hopeful.

            “Of course, I could never just stop being your friend. I already am too close of a friend to just leave. Plus, who am I going to go cliff diving with?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

            “You’ll go with me again?” He asked, eyes widening, and a smirk appearing on his face.

            “Heck no, I just wanted to lighten the mood. There is no way you are getting me up there again.” I laughed.

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