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There weren’t many people out yet which was good on my part. If I happened to see a demon, I could easily kill it and no one would see me because most people and demons were sleeping at this time. It was still pretty earlier for most people now and days. I walked down the sidewalk keeping my eyes open for anyone. I stopped in front of an alleyway and looked down it.

No one was there, as far as I could see. A loud noise came from across the street and I whirled around and looked but saw nothing. I was about to walk over there then a felt a pair of hands pull me back by my shoulders into the dark alley. I let out a scream as I was pushed to the ground. I quickly got to my feet and saw a guy standing in between me and the exit of the alley.

He wore a dark hoodie and the hood covered most of his face. I needed to see his eyes to see if he was a demon or not. I don’t usually kill people unless I have too. I can’t pull out a weapon though, if he is a demon. I had a feeling it was a human but I couldn’t be so sure. He whipped out a knife and I knew he was a human now. Demons never had knives, they didn’t need them. Demons could kill people in a blink of an eye.

I backed up to the end of the alley as he got closer. I could see a sinister smile on his face because he knew that he had me. I told you humans were as bad as demons. To be honest, I was actually scared a little. You would think that I would be used to yet but I always get that feeling in the pit of my stomach that scares the hell out of me. I’m pretty good at keeping calm during these situations though.

            “Well hello princess.” He whispered as he pinned me against the wall. The cold concrete pressed against my bare skin. I couldn’t reach my knife yet because my arms were pinned behind me so I couldn’t move them.

            “Let go of me.” I demanded as I struggled against him. He was very strong and athletic so he must train a lot to keep in shape because I’m pretty built, especially to fight demons but he was stronger.

            “Oh, no.” He said stroking my face.

 He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I hadn’t had my real first kiss unless you count all the times I have been forced to kiss someone or I kissed a demon just so I could kill them. Yeah I know, disgusting! A sick feeling came to my stomach as I smelt his body odor.

I pulled away and turned my head away from him but he held my head so that I was looking at him again. I spit in his face and managed to kick him in the groin. I pushed him back and he pulled his knife back out, ready to use it, as he staggered. His hood fell off and I could see his chocolate brown hair and icy blue eyes. He was defiantly human. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my knife that was larger and sharper than his little baby pocket knife.

            “Get away from me!” I demanded.

            “Why do you have that?” He asked.

            “To protect myself from creeps like you!” I yelled.

He still had his knife in his hand and he didn’t look like he was going to let me through. I held my knife up and walked forward.

            “Don’t make me use this.” I threatened.

            “Go ahead and use it then princess. I bet you can’t use it.” He said calling my bluff.

            “You don’t think that I will?” I asked trying to stall because I didn’t really want to hurt him but I would if I had too.

            “Hell no, you’re a wimpy little girl.” He said.

            I walked up to him with my knife in my hand and sliced my knife across both of his arms. He screamed in pain as blood flowed from both of his arms.

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