Guess Who

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            Darkness surrounded me, but I knew where I was. I would never forget the soft carpet of my bedroom and the familiar placement of furniture. I steadied my breathing as I pulled out my knife. Where was he? I flipped on the light switch to see the demon standing in the middle of my room. The room was silent. He did not speak, nor did I. The silence spoke for itself, there was going to be a fight.

            “You don’t have the surprise attack on me.” He snarled as he noticed my knife clenched in my hand.

            “Well I have the knife.” I snapped.

            He left out a soft chuckle which sounded sinful. He ran his long, tanned fingers through his dark black hair as he glared at me with his blood red eyes. In a blink of an eye, he was right in front of me. He grabbed the knife and threw it across the room. Crap!

             He was inches away from me but I knew he wouldn’t kill me right away. He wanted to play cat and mouse for a little while. I could feel his breath on me as I stood in fear. My hands were now shaking and my throat went dry.

            “What were you saying about the knife?” He smirked.

            I couldn’t find the words to say at the moment. He turned away from me and slowly took a few steps away.

            “I just don’t understand you humans,” he paused. “Trying to be heroes and fight the bad guys. The truth is you don’t stand a chance against us.” He lectured.

            Maybe the longer I keep him talking, the sooner help will come and I will live.

            “We just want to protect what is ours. Earth.” I replied softly.

            He turned and looked straight into my bright blue eyes. I felt as if he was burning into my soul.

            “You’re telling me you chose to do this?” He questioned. I didn’t reply. Cole, hurry up and get here. Where are you?

            “Exactly. Some damn angel put you up to this. See we can’t kill angels as easily as we can humans. You are their pawns in this war. They don’t give a shit about you in the end.” He exclaimed. “If they did care, you wouldn’t be here right now. I would be dead, and you would be somewhere other than here and someone other than a hunter.” He added.

            I remained silent. What was I going to say to him? I took a step backwards towards the door. Sweat drenched my face. My heart was racing. My mind was on overdrive. I felt as if my skin was on fire from the fear that was boiling inside me. I refused to show him that I was terrified. I didn’t have a weapon and I had to realize that no one was coming for me, not even Kendra.

            “Sure you hunters kill a few of us, when we aren’t looking but that doesn’t stop the truth that we will always win in the end. There is nothing you can do about it.” He murmured as he closed in one me. I felt my back press firmly against the bedroom door.

            “You realize I can kill you in a blink of an eye and you wouldn’t even see it coming.” He whispered into my ear, sending chills up my spine.

            “So why don’t you already.” I sneered.

            He twisted around and paused. The only sound I heard was the pounding of my heart. He spun back around, nails out, and glided his nails across my face. I screamed in pain as warm blood began to flow down my face. I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror and I had four large gashes across my face, which had blood gushing from each wound. I fell to the ground and the demon smirked above me.

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