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I knew that I was in trouble and that Cole was extremely pissed because he never called me Kaitlin unless he was really mad. I was almost speechless by his arrival. Was he following me? My mind was in a million places right now. He wasn’t supposed to be here.

            “W-what are you doing here?” I asked Cole.

            “Maybe I should be asking you the same damn question!” He shouted.

            I knew I shouldn’t have ever lied to him because now he found out the hard way. His face was red and his hands clenched into fists. I had never seen Cole this angry before.

            “Please, Cole you have to hear me out.” I begged.

            I went to grab his arm, but he quickly pulled away from me. Seth stayed backwards away from Cole which was probably for the best. Cole would probably try to kill him if he did anything.

            “No, you don’t get to do this shit! I can’t even tell you how pissed I am at you. How could you do this?” He yelled at me. He wasn’t loud enough for others demons or humans to hear but just enough to get the point across that he was furious.

            “Cole, please let me explain everything.” I begged.

            “Why should I? It could be all just one lie? I mean you lied to me before. Heck, let me guess this is Seth?” He snarled.

            I nodded.

            “You flat out lied to my face, several times? How could you do that to your own brother? I’m all you have left Kaitlin, and yet you treat me like shit?”

            I noticed that his eyes filled with tears which made me tear up and start to cry. Usually he would feel bad for making me cry but right now, he didn’t even seem to care and I wouldn’t blame him for not caring. I deserved all of this.

            “I didn’t mean for this to happen, I swear. I was going to tell you when I knew how too.” I cried.

            “I can never trust you again, you know that right?” He asked.

            “Come on, Cole, you can trust me.” I cried even more now.

            I tried to make this right but he just hated me and wouldn’t let me explain. My heart was breaking into a million pieces as my brother yelled at me. I really hurt him. How could I have done that to him, knowing the world we live in where you can’t trust anyone?

            “No I can’t trust you because of this. I don’t even care that you lied right this second, but that you are friends with a demon, are you even serious right now?” He asked.

            “Cole, he isn’t like the rest. He is different.”

            He laughed and but then got serious again. “Kaitlin, did you forget what his kind did to this world? They ruined it, took it over and killed thousands, if not millions of innocent humans. Did you forget that it was his kind that killed Mom and Dad? They killed everyone we loved and cared about. They killed Alexa and so many others, and you want to be friends with one. Hell, Kaitlin, we are demon hunters for crying out loud, we kill them everyday and you want to be friends with one.” He sneered.

            I broke down and cried because of the mentioning of my parents and Alexa. How dare he bring her up, knowing how much I have tried to forget her and to stop mourning? I buried my head in my hands and started to sob. This was one of the worst fights Cole and I have ever had, well actually one of the only fights we had ever had.

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