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            Brad and I exchanged looks as realized that this man was Robert. He was conspiring with demons, and not just normal demons but demons associated with Kendra. The look on Brad’s face made my heart sink. The disbelief and betrayal that formed on his face was just pure heartbreak. I wanted to comfort him and to say something, but the demons were still there and we couldn’t let them know that we were here. For once, the happy, sarcastic Brad disappeared and was replaced by a defeated, depressed Brad.

            “Fine, you better have our information by tomorrow.” The demon snarled.

            Then the demons disappeared, leaving Robert standing alone in the middle of the room. He turned and I wasn’t quick enough to avoid his gaze. His eyes enlarged when our eyes came in contact. I walked out from behind the wall and Brad slowly followed me. This was going to be awkward. I was still in shock from the whole situation. How could Robert just betray us like that, even his own son?

            “Brad, please let me explain.” Robert breathed.

            “How could you do this to me? After everything we have been through. You are my dad, no scratch that, you were my dad.” Brad snarled.

            Before Robert could reply, Brad stormed out of the building. I couldn’t let him go out like this, he could get killed. I know that when I’m mad and angry, being around demons is a serious danger. I turned to go after Brad but Robert grabbed my arm. I whirled around to see Robert, tears rushing down his face.

            “Please, Katie, here me out. I can explain.” He cried. 

            “I-I have to go with Brad. I will hear you out, just not right now.” I stuttered, before running out of the building after Brad.

            He was already half way down the street when I exited the building. I raced after him, running as quick as I could to catch up with him. He needed someone right now, and that someone had to be me. I grabbed onto him arm and yanked him into a nearby alley.

            “Brad, you need to calm down and don’t do anything stupid.” I whispered as I forced him to look at him.

            What I saw shocked me. Tears were running down his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot and swollen.  The brave, unemotional guy who I had grown to know was actually crying. He wiped away his tears and looked at the ground.

            “Brad, I know you’re hurting, but you can’t act like this now. You know how this world is, you know you can’t be distracted.” I whispered.

            “Oh, like you have the right to lecture me about distractions. You’re the damn person who is sleeping with a demon.” Brad snarled and the look of betrayal was replaced with rage.

            “First off, I’m not sleeping with a demon, you asshole. And second, you are just angry about the situation. Don’t take your anger out on me.” I yelled.

            “You’re such a bitch, get out of my way and leave me the hell alone.” Brad yelled back, pushing me against the wall of the alley.

            I slapped him across the face, irritation racing through my body. I knew he was hurting but he didn’t need to act this way. All it took was a demon to come along and we would both be dead.

            “Snap out of this, Brad. If you don’t want a death wish, then I suggest you take a minute to calm down before you get us both killed.” I snarled.

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