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So yeah... I'm the sister of one of the popular YouTubers, Wroetoshaw . My name is Lucy. Being a sister of a YouTuber has  its ups and downs I guess, but to be honest I feel like the luckiest sister in the world. Me and Harry have always been the closest siblings... we have 2 other brothers but Harry doesn't have a connection with them. We just have something special

As you can guess, following after your brother means you aren't one of those girly girls who wears short skirts and belly tops with heels they can't even walk in. Harry has taught me to ignore those people and just be myself which is just someone who wears ripped jeans and hoodies everyday!

I'm in college at the moment but to be honest I'm thinking of just dropping out. I'm fed up of it and I would rather just have an easy job that can just feed me and put a roof over my head. I don't know what I wanna be to be honest

When mentioning this to my parents they didn't like the idea and said I need a proper job in life that I enjoy. Harry has always told me to be a YouTuber, apparently I could get something from it. I mean I love filming for Harry, or taking part maybe chucking ice on him, Taping him up (I know the sidemen did this to vikk but let's just pretend it was Harry and his sister). But I have never thought of doing it as an every day job.

I am thinking about it though, I just hate college, I don't get like bullied or anything because of Harry, everyone knows me because of him so having friends is easy, except the as I like to call... mega bitches. They r the ones walking to school half naked. They all have a crush on Harry and if they want something from me it's most likely for them to get to see him.

Harry picks me up from school so they always try and ask for a lift... in there dreams. Harry is way to over protective of his car, only family and the sidemen can go in.

But it's just boring!!!

-authors note-
Thank you for reading and I will update soon! Btw my spelling and punctuation is awful!
This chapter is just telling you a bit about Lucy and how close her and Harry are.
The next chapter we will actually start to get into it!

Also I'm just warning you... I do know half of this stuff that I will include about the sidemen and Harry aren't true but it's a made up story so just go with it!! Thank you

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