Its gonna be fine

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*Lucy PoV*

I scream Harry's name again and again... no reply
I see spinning and feel sick
I manage to whisper help but everything goes black
*3 hours later*
I suddenly can hear.
I keep my eyes closed
Harry- JJ in sorry
JJ- can't do anything about it now
Harry- I'm such a dick I wasn't concentrating
JJ- it's okay.. u can't go back why don't I have Lucy stay at the sidemen house. Katie (Harry's girlfriend) is very worried and is on her way down
Harry-  r U sure I'm a bit worried about her being around Simon

Simon is the only one I want to be with right now... in his arms telling me I'm fine and it was a dream... I wish we were like we were singing in the car
I remembering him blushing when I said it was cute when he cursed... I
Love him just to scared to tell harry
I'm stuck with JJ
But apparently I'm helping out Simons career to me it's making it worse he hasn't showered for ages or eaten which makes me feel quilty (can't spell) as hell
I want him to move in... well I don't want him to... I need him to
Harry- I need her to just wake up
There is a knock at the door and I stay still
Harry- who is it
I hear footsteps
Vik- r we okay to be here
Harry- yeah
JJ- harry calm down
Harry- nice of U to show your face simon. Why r u here
I just wanna slap harry and hug Simon so tight
Simon- sorry I came with the others to see if you were okay
I hear a sigh
Josh- were gonna go get a drink
JJ- I'll come
I hear the door close
Simon- harry mate what's wrong? What have I done
Harry- I....
Simon- I came her to see if the person I love and my best mate is okay
There is a gasp
Person he loves???
Harry- what???
Simon- I don't love u or her I promise
Harry- I know u do and it's fine just don't tell JJ he will flip
Simon- u do?
Harry- everyone does ever since her and JJ came out u haven't ate, slept or showered
He sighs
I slowly open my eyes
Harry- LUCY!!!!
Simon- calm harry she has only woke up
I sit up and harry hugs me
Me- what happened??
Simon sits on the end of the bed and rubs my leg
Harry- it was a car crash. Ur gonna be okay though JJ is gonna care for u tonight
I put on a fake smile and look down
Harry- I'm sorry
Me- it's okay
Me- can I speak to Simon a minute
Harry- yes u got 2 minutes
He glares and Simon and goes out
Simon comes up to me sitting near me
I hug him so tight and he hugs back
Me- I'm scared
Simon- of what
Me- you
He seems shocked
Simon- me??
Me- I know u haven't eaten or anything and it scares me I never wanted you to become hurt by me and JJ
Simon- I'm... sorry
Me- Simon. I love you and promise u will get better
Simon- I can try
I hug him before harry comes in

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