I cant

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I split away from Simon and he walks over and pushes his head on the wall punching it after
I slide down the door and sit there my head in my hands
Simon- I'm sorry
Me- no don't worry but this stays between us I don't want to deal with ur bitchy girlfriend
I pause and look at him his blue eyes that I can see a small sparkle in his eyes
Me- sorry
I leave the room and run to my room I lock myself
It was so wrong but felt right at the same time
*the next morning*
I wake up and memories from last night come flooding back
I have to face Venessa this morning
I take a shower and change into some casual clothes (media) and head downstairs to get breakfast where all the boys are
We all exchanged our hellos and good mornings
Before the doorbell goes I look to Freya who is the only girl here and she mouths good luck
Venessa- hi everyone!!!!
We all say hi very sadly us all disappointed she's here
Venessa- good to see ur all happy JJ do u mind if I steal ur girl for a moment we have to talk
JJ- sure
He gives me a confused look
Me- don't worry
She pulls me upstairs
Venessa- now what the fuck is wrong with him
Me- it's none of your business
Venessa- no no no he's not yours there's nothing u can know that I can't
Me- well this you can't stick ur fat ass into
She slaps me And I run out rushing to the front door I run out to the lake by the park where I sit my legs dangling from the bridge
I have so many missed calls from the boys but I just ignore them
I hear my name and fear takes over me
JJ- wtf happened back there
Me- don't worry
JJ- tell me
Me- it's none of your fucking business
He slaps me
Me- leave me alone it's none of your fucking business
He punches me in the ribs and I fall to the ground before continuously kicking me over and over
I stay led frozen on the ground before I feel arms around me
I look up and see Simon
Me- is he here
Simon- he's gone and your safe now
He hugs me and I cry into his chest
Me- thank you
Simon- is this why u couldn't be in a relationship with me?

Ohhh he's been caught

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