Dont tell anyone

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Me-Vik... I'm scared
vik- why u can trust me this is between me and u
Me- okay.... so maybe I may have a small crush on Simon
Vik- r u joking that's good because he feels the same

I feel like someone has shot me in the heart a tear runs down my cheek
Vik- r u okay
Me- I... JJ forced me to date him so Simon won't fall for me
He pulls me in for an India hug I feel happy I can get it off my chest
Me- okay I'm clear with u now what's wrong with Simon and Harry
Vik- okay so they had a punch up
My heart feels like it's shot even more
Me- I need to speak to Harry... I think it's best me and him just leave for the weekend
Vik- I will leave you to it
I go into the bathroom and clean up my face from earlier and cover it will make up so it isn't as obvious and head to Harry's room
Harry- what???!!!!
Me- Harry I want to speak to U
Harry- I'm busy... fuck off
Me- but..
Harry- FUCK off
I stand there stunned where do I go. I go to head to my room but JJ spots me and pulls me into his room
JJ- babe I'm so sorry for earlier
He smashes his lips into mine and I can't refuse he is gripping onto me to tight
His lips are rough and feel horrid unlike simons which are soft and lovely
I manage to wriggle free and run to the door when JJ runs locks it and shoves  me into his cupboard
JJ- don't leave me
He slaps me
JJ- now stop being a c*** and play along
He shoves me out and I run not thinking to Simon
I knock on his door and he answers
Simon- I thought Harry spoke to you..
Me- about what he just told me to FUCK off
He sees the bit of my scar which has been shown by rubbed off make up
He grabs my hand and puts me on the bed and I can see bruises all over him
Me- Simon.. what happened to U
Simon- oh uh...
I run my finger over his face
I look down
Me- it was Harry wasn't it
Simon- yeah
I stand up and hug him my face right next to his chest which I can hear his heart
I could stay like this forever
Then the door opens
I feels strong arms pull me off of Simon
JJ- get away from her
I'm  pulled into my room when I am beaten until I'm crying so hard I can't breathe
Please note I know they would never do this!! It's Harry's birthday!! Which means I'm finally having a good day!!!!!!!!!! Thx for reading

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