It was just an accident... i think

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We arrive at the sidemen house which makes my stomach jump in excitement
Harry- it's weird u love my friends more than me
Me- not hard
We knock and hug everyone.
It's morning so we have all day
So guess what we did... we sat and watched about 2 hours of their old videos and made fun of hair, weird stuff they did
JJ- I need to go film a Fifa sorry I will be down in an hour
He looks at everyone but ignores me, oh well I'm just overthinking
Vik- well here is a good idea... Simon and Lucy can go and get a take away Nando's (if that is a thing) whilst we film
Tobi- deal
Simon- that's it then
They all head off in different directions so only me, Simon and Harry are in the room
Harry- u better look after her u know Si!! No getting into trouble
Simon- u know I won't, mum!
I laugh and we leave after reassuring Harry it's okay
We leave in simons car and blast out some JME and drake, dancing stupidly
Simon- sorry everyone is filming today tomorrow is the day off we can do something special
Me- I don't care as long as I get to hang out with you guys
He smiles at me before pulling up,
Simon: I need to go get cash out u coming!
Me- yeah come on
The road we have to cross has no traffic lights so we need to dive
Me- I'm not so sure of this
Simon- I promised Harry I would care if you. He would kill me and I wouldn't forgive my self
He takes my hand in his and the fit perfectly I clutch onto him and he holds me tightly before running across the road
We jump and he lifts me up and spinning before putting me down and laughing
Me- we better go get this then
We walk side by side before a bicycle cycles way to fast near me and Simon pulls me into his side wrapping his arm around my shoulder
Me- thank you
We walk like that for a while until we hear
Mega bitch- hey lucy!!
Me and Simon freeze, he knows all about her
We turn around
Me- hey Meghan
Meghan- hey Simon your vids are amazing
Simon- thanks
Meghan- where u love birds off to then
Me- Meghan!
Simon- we r going to Nando's
Meghan- oh may I join you
Me- I would love that but we got to dash you know how much JJ loves his chicken he needs it!! Also we got a dans vik needs us to film with him and they have a special time table
Simon- sorry
Meghan- oh no problem! Simon if u want someone hot in a video or a model in free anytime
He looks her up and down
He grabs my hand
Simon- no thanks if I need a girl in my videos I got Lucy but thanks for the offer
Her mouth falls to the floor and me and simon dash for it
-30 minutes later-
we sit in the car it's 4pm the Nando's are taking ages
Simon- for fuck sake, sorry I...
Me- don't worry about it I live with Harry. Plus it's cute when u curse
He blushes a bit
Simon- I'm glad you have come I love it when u come after school, I actually have fun
I feel my cheeks flush he laughs at me and pulls my chin in before gently kissing me

Omg what will Harry do? Will JJ get his chicken in time? Bullying will start in next chapter! It's not just a miniminter fanfic don't worry!!!

Bullied by brothers Best Friend (sidemen)Where stories live. Discover now