Meet the boys

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It's the end of Friday and I head out of school and guess who stopped me... mega bitch
Me- what do u want
Mega bitch- Harry picking u up?
Me- yes and we have to rush we've got to go to the sidemen house
The clicking of their heels stop.
Mega bitch (Meghan)- why aren't u dressed up
Me- because u r talking about sidemen I have met them loads and we r filming so they want me to wear merch
Meghan- I don't like there merch cheap and tacky
Me- they would hate u for that
I hear Harry's car hoot
Me- i gtg sorry
Meghan- okay come shopping with us on Friday next week we can buy u stuff, I mean Harry could surely give u money i mean look at his car
Me- that would be nice I'll txt u
She flashes her white ice teeth at me and I wave
Meghan- come eat lunch with usMonday
me- okay
I run into Harry's car and the girls click behind me
Harry- what took U so long
Me- who do u think
Harry- mega bitch?
Me- yes, trying to use me.
Harry- what did they say now
Me- first of all accused your merch for being cheap and tacky and I should dress up to film for you. Then said I need to go and they said they will take me shopping on Friday and u should give me money because look at ur car
Harry- I can give u some money
Me- no u know I hate it when u do that
Harry- yeah anyway we have a 2 hour GTA then whatever  and we need to be back at 10.
Me- yay
Harry- also minecraft for Vik
Me- whoop (sarcasm)

We arrive
Me- I'm excited
Harry- what so u can see ur celeb crush
Me- who's that
Harry- Simon
Me- age difference and also no!
Harry- I seen your YouTube history miniminter after Miniminter.. mm7 games whatever next

We don't realise the door in front of us open and Simon stands there
Me- Harry your just jealous that Simon brings out better videos than you
Me and Harry turn to him
Harry- how long u been there
Simon- long enough. Any way high five girl
I high five him and hug him before going in to hug the rest of the boys
Harry- shall we get this started
We all laugh and everyone goes to their room to set up for the game play and I'm in the living room with Harry in the spare  bedroom
So after 2 hours of GTA I smashed everyone!! We meet in the kitchen and they all stare at me
Me- u alright boys
Vik- how u do that???
Me- born with the skill
Simon- anyway ur crap at football
Me- wanna bet bitch
Simon-  crossbar challenge
Me- it's on
Harry- Simon were going down
Me- looser buys Nando's
We head to the garden and I win

Sorry for boring chapter it gets good soon... promise and I gonna spice it up a bit, thanks x

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