the ending...

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~only a short update and last one~

It's been a few months since the little incident, me and Simon couldn't be happier, our relationship couldn't be going better. We have let everyone on YouTube know about our relationship and most people where happy for us, obviously we had a few haters but there mostly just those young 9 year old children who have a small crush on Simon and don't want anyone touching him.

I'm currently at Freya's having a small catch up, I came here for advice really, I think something may have happened and I need a girl, someone close to talk to and maybe help me.

Freya- so, Lucy, I know somethings is on your mind, I can tell, please let me know, I wont tell anyone, were girls that's what we do

I give her a warm smile, I need to tell her otherwise no one else will listen, my throat becomes shaky and a tear rolls down my cheek

me- I..I think I might be pregnant

Freya's face lights up

Freya- that's amazing have you taken a test

I shake my head

Freya- I have some in the cabinet in the bathroom, go take one then call me

I mouth thank you and she smiles, a few minutes later me and Freya are sat on the edge of the bath laughing at silly memories. The timer goes off and Freya looks at me

Freya- are you ready

me- ready as I will ever be

I flip it over and look at Freya, tears stroll down my cheek

me- I'm going to be a mum

Freya jumps up and hugs me. I pull back and my face drops

me- what... what if Simon doesn't want a baby, it will ruin his carrier, he might leave me, I cant be a single mother, I don't know what I'm doing

Freya- hush Simon would never do that he loves you and will support you no matter what ever happens

I smile at her again

me- when do I tell him

Freya- now

me- thank you Freya, I don't know what I would do without you

I hug her before dropping Simon a text asking if he was filming cause we need to talk, he replied straight away saying he's at home

- Simons Pov-

Lucy text me saying we need to talk, I don't know what to do, she made her text sound so worried, I suddenly get paranoid, is she going to break it of with me, have I done something

There's a knock on the door and she walks in and she comes up to me before pulling me into a hug, I could feel she was crying, I pull away and look into her eyes and wipe away her tear

me- Baby what's wrong tell me

she sits and looks at me, she pulls out a bag and looks at me, I open it up and there lies a positive pregnancy test, I mentally sigh in happiness this is the best news I have ever had, I'm going to be a dad

Lucy- I'm pregnant

I hug her tightly

me- this is the best news I have ever heard

Lucy- your happy to keep it?

Simon- I couldn't be happier


Thanks for reading this book but it has come to an end, this is my first fanfiction and to be honest I couldn't be happier of how it turned out.

A massive thank you to all of my female sidemen girls, you all mean the world to be and if it wasn't for you lot then I mot likely wouldn't have done this, love you all

Another big thanks to Grace, sorry for the endless amount of time I spent asking you if parts make sense and reading everything out to you over face time, love you

Also a separate thank you to Sabrina, You are also part of female sidemen but I feel you need a separate thank you as you need the biggest thanks of all. You have helped me with many ideas to keep the fanfiction going and even helped write a few parts which helped a lot so thanks and love you.

I know that was all cringe but I needed to write it and thank you to everyone who has read this fanfiction all the way through or even just a chapter, I currently have 8.2k on this fanfiction which makes me want to scream with happiness.

I am planning on writing a new fanfiction very soon so please keep an eye out for that, it will be Simon related (obviously)

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