Hard Forgiveness

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We walked back to the sidemen house and I walked in the boys sat around the island and soon as they seen Simon their heads drop and they pretend to have a conversation to get away from us
Me- guys....
JJ- what u think u can just let him come back to the house acting like nothing ever happened
Simon- what u think u can go months abusing her then go back living life to normal
He glares at Simon slams his first on the table and storms upstairs
Enough drama as it is
Simon- she's not pregnant it was fake
Me- harry for fucks sake he was gone 3 days and u act like he's left u with nothing like he just fucking ran away! He said he was coming back and u new he would! Can't u be a little respectful that he s trying why the fuck are u so mean!! If u were in that situation what would u do

I storm upstairs all I wanted to do is help but they all hate on Simon
To be honest I don't know if i wanna forgive him but I love him
I sit against my built in wardrobe and stare into space tears burning the edge
The boys where right he did just leave and go not thinking about us
Why did I back him up
I love all the boys they are like brothers to me
Why the hell would I shout and them
I pull my knees against my chest and rest me elbows against them
There's a gently knock on my door
Simon- b... Lucy I wanna talk to u
Me- come in
He walks in and sits next to me staring into space
Simon- I'm sorry it's all my fault u fell out with the boys
Me- Simon nothings your fault I just got annoyed and wanted to scream and scream
I look at his ocean blue eyes and get lost in them
Simon- u okay
Me- sorry I was lost
Simon- In what
He laughs and turns so his whole body is facing me
Me- your eyes. There so gorgeous
I cringe at how soppy that sounds but before I can back my self up I feel so soft lips press against mine

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