F the bullies

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It's Monday morning 4 am I have a shower and dry my hair before the girls start their magic
The y finish and I look in the mirror I look amazing, the best I have ever in school. Yes it's a bit dressy but come on I need to prove myself
Sarah- let me go harry
Harry walks and his mouth drops
Harry- did the girls do this
Me- some how
Harry- you look stunning god can't wait to see the boys reaction tonight
Freya- I know Simon will be so jealous
Harry- Simon??
Freya- don't ask why I said that I meant JJ u know that
Harry- oh but omg those bullies can fuck themselves my sister is a hotty
My parents enter the room
Mum- what's the fuss about this early... omg what happened to my daughter
Kayleigh- we gave her a mega make over
Dad- ohh my girls a beauty fuck the bullies
We all laugh
Mum- girls how
Freya- who knows
Dad- right shall we get u girls something to eat
Sarah- yeah
We laugh at her excitement
- half an hour later-
I say goodbye and me and the girls head off to school
Me- I'm scared
Freya- Hun go fuck them
Sarah- not like that
We laugh and I spot Meghan staring at me
Me- fuck haters
Sarah- go get them
Kayleigh- meet you in the middle of the school at lunch to touch you up
Me- thanks txt me ly
Girls- ly girl
I walk out watching the car drive off and walk to Meghan
Meghan- how the fuck did you get so hot u took my advice
Me- sure did Hun
Meghan- come on let's go to the fountain
We walk over with Meghan and the most popular boys walk over they are the basketball boys with all the girls fangirling over them
Brandon (leader of the populists)- wroetoshaws sister right
Me- yes and your Brandon
Brandon- sure are
His mates- Brandon come on
He winks at me
Brandon- u looking fine today girl
He smacks my ass and walks away
Meghan- wtf get on him
Me- Meghan u no I'm not single
Meghan- oh yh
The day goes great I feel like the girl who is popular and confident not lazy, scared and being bullied
It comes to lunch and I'm sat with the popular girls, Meghan, Brandon and his mates when I hear the boys cheer
I turn around to see harry, JJ and the girls walking towards me
I hug all the girls and harry before going to JJ
Me- how come your here
JJ- couldn't resist what harry was saying
He smashes his lips onto mine
I'm not enjoying it hit the school is watching me
I hear screams
I pull away and laugh and the girls finish their magic whilst the boys talk the Brandon and all
This seriously is a great day!!
Next chapter is her approaching Simon and the rest of the boys

Bullied by brothers Best Friend (sidemen)Where stories live. Discover now