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I have like 4 hours before Freya comes to mine so I take a shower and put on a dressing gown before drying my hair
Me- come in
JJ walks in and sits on my bed
Me- why r u here
JJ- Lucy, this relationship isn't going great is it we need to play it more cool
Me- how do u expect me to have a good relationship with u if you keep beating me up
JJ- I'm sorry I'm doing this for Simon I can't have him fall for you any more
Me- any more?
JJ- he is so in love with u
I look to the flowers Simon sent me
I walk towards my door
Me- I can't do this leave everyone needs to know the truth
He runs towards me  and slams the door
JJ- u are going to tell no one and this will never be over, now put some pjs on and u r staying with me today
Me- no
JJ- what
Me- I'm going out with Freya and all
He rolls his eyes
JJ- I'm going to get a drink
He leaves and I smile and the flowers
One day it will all be fine
One day I will be with Simon
I snap a few pictures of the flowers on my phone and camera
There so gorgeous
My phone goes off
Simon- have fun with the girls xx
Me- thanks! Have a good day xx

Then JJ comes in
JJ- what flowers did I give u
Me- what are you on about
JJ- Harry said you loved the flowers I sent
Me- they aren't from you
JJ- who then?
Me- I'm going to get ready
I run into my closet and put in my outfit and curl my hair
JJ keeps banging on the door
I open finally and he gives me the note on the flowers from Simon
JJ- from Simon hey?
Me- yeah....
He picks up the flowers
Me- what do you think your doing
I pick up my phone and phone Simon so he can hear
JJ- these stupid flowers do u like them
Me- I love them now put them down
JJ- u can't be with Simon, it will never happen get the fuck over him your with me now
He chucks the flowers on the floor making them brake and soil and petals are all over my floor
Harry- is everything okay
JJ pushes me against the wall pretending to kiss me before hugging me and harry walks in before quickly shutting the door
Me- now leave
JJ- I'll be back
Me-not if I can help it
He runs out slamming my door
I FaceTime Simon
Simon- are you okay
Me- yeah but the flowers aren't
Simon- hey, it doesn't matter couples have their fights
I can see sadness in his gorgeous eyes but the twinkle that sits there has left
Me- I'm sorry
Simon- for what
Me- I.... I feel like I'm interfering with your life
Simon- what do you mean of course you aren't!!!
Me- see I don't want to admit it but Simon
I look away
Me- I think I'm in love with you
Cliff hanger whooooo!!!!

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