Sidemen house pt 2

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Me and the girls sit around the island in the kitchen discussing the plan before Simon and his girlfriend come down the stairs
He whispers something in her ear and he goes one way and she comes towards us
Me- oh god
I hear her cough
Simons gf- hey girls
Me- hey
Freya- sorry I haven't been able to catch your name
Simons gf- oh it's Venessa
Me- what a
Sarah- lovely babe
Venessa- oh so tell me your names
We all repeat our names
Venessa- well babe said I might aswell get to know U lot as I'm gonna be around for a while
Kayleigh- u wish
Venessa- sorry didn't catch that
Kayleigh- don't worry
Venessa- any way I'm gonna go in the living room nice to get to know u
She walks out
Freya- what the hell has Simon dragged us into
Me- I don't know
Sarah- what ever it won't last long
Me- that's what we wish
Freya- don't worry
My phone goes from a notification for JJ
Me- let's go in the living room
We walk in and Simon walks out
We sit next to the boys and hug them watching the football it makes no sense to me or the girls
Simon walk in
Venessa- Si...
Simon- yes
She winks and he does it back smiling wide
It's not his normal smile it's fake
I know I should stop being so jealous but I really am
He's faking it I know it
I can't be here
I jump up
Me- sorry I'm gonna head back c u tomorrow yeah?
JJ- bye
I leave with the girls
Me- sorry I shouldnt have done that I'm sorry i didn't feel like I could be there
Freya- Hun we 100% understand it's gonna be difficult but gonna end amazing
Ohhh god

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