Bye Simon... I wont forget you

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After talking with Simon I haven't left my room, I have eaten only had the occasional drink of water. I think the boys are worrying the amount of times they have tried to speak to me or see me.

Its only been 3 days but I cant bring myself to even step out my bedroom door

Harry- please let me see you


he walks in with a cup of tea and some toast, I thank him and he looks at me

harry- I think you should come and see simon, you know hes leaving tomorrow and he loves you. if she wasn't pregnant he would be with you

me- but shes not you know that

Harry- please sis

I get out of bed and hug him

me- give me an hour I will be down I'm going to have a shower

he smiles and walks out

-skips one hour-

I walk down stairs nervously, this will kill me but I need to say bye it might be the only time ig et to see him again. I will never get over him, but I can only try. What if she really is pregnant, what if she really isn't pretending and is going to have a family with him. If shes faking it he will come back. She cant keep him forever

I walk into the kitchen where all the boys are Vikk runs and hugs me and josh does aswell after

Harry smiles at me and I thank him before turning to simon

Harry- Josh, Vik come here I wanna show you something

They leave and I turn to Simon

Simon- I'm sorry I don't wanna leave I feel like I'm leaving everything behind, my life, youtube, my friends and most importantly you

I look him in the eye

me- I will always love you Simon Minter no matter what you do

He smiles at me

Simon- I love you too Lucy but I have to go,

me- please Simon, you have helped me through so much and I couldn't be more grateful, you stopped JJ and my bullying at school. You were the only person who actually could make me feel good about myself, liked I'm love. And the boys they have done so  much for you I mean without them u wouldn't be who you are or even where you are now

I look at him and a tear rolls down his cheek

Simon- I couldn't be more grateful give me 2 months I will be back, I am falling you and I cant leave that behind

I look at him and we cry together whilst we hug

the doorbell goes

Simon- theres the pregnant one

me- I guess this Is a bye for a while

He kisses me and its so passionate and I love it

Simon- I love you and no one else

Tears just run from my eyes, the boys come in and say goodbye and I hug harry before he leaves... gone

-authors note-
Okay so this story is coming to an end but a few more chapters yet. Simon ended up leaving early

Also thank you so much for 2k reads I love you all

Also big shoutout to sidemen12221  go check her out

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