I cant tell you

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We get in the car after I said bye to Vik and josh
Harry- u alright
Me- lets just go home
We drive in silence
I head to my room and clean my lip up and get Into jogging bottoms and one of Simons oversized t-shirts he let me steal, it's the hi again... it's me t-shirt
It smells like him
I feel like I'm myself again
Mum- TEA U 2
I chuck up my hair and sit at the table with everyone
Dad- Lucy
Me- yeah
Mum- do U want to talk to us
Me- about what
They raise their eyebrows and I look to harry who points to the massive bruise on my neck, arm then my cut lip
Me- it's fine
Harry- we r here
Me- I fell over okay
We eat not really talking
We clear up and go into the living room to watch movies
I take out my phone and txt Simon
Me- Hey Simon, thank you for being there for me today. X
Simon- It's alright I always will be here for you. I don't understand why u do it. X
Me- Si... I want to tell you why I do more than ever but I can't. X
Simon- why? X
Me- that's something I can't say. X
Simon- okay, I'm always be here X
Me- I love you X
Simon- love you too X

Harry- why are you smiling like an idiot
Me- what?? Im gonna head upstairs
Dad- okay bye
Me- bye

I sit on my bed... why do I keep it to myself
There is a knock at my door
Me- come in
Harry walks in and sits next to me
Harry- sis why won't you tell me the truth
Me- what do u mean
Harry- u didn't fall over
Me- I know
Harry- who did it
Me- someone at school
Harry- okay I won't say anything but I'm up for beating them up, get some sleep
Me- night
Harry- night
Ohhhhh.. what next

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