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It's silent for a minute
Me- sorry I shouldn't have said that
Simon- no.... I feel the same
Me- you do?
Simon- but.... jj
Me- I have to stay with him for about 2 more months but then I can tell you what's been going on and everything can be good and normal
Simon- I wish you would tell me
Me- I want to tell you more than anything but... I'm to scared to
Simon- if I were next to you I would hug you
I giggle at his words and he blushes
Me- you look even cuter when you blush
Simon- stop Miss
I poke my tongue out
Me- I guess I better go get ready for shopping
Simon- alright then talk to you soon don't worry about flowers
Me- I will keep as much of them as I can love you
Simon- love you 2
The call is ended
I sit in front of my closet door which contains a mirror and apply make up
Harry walks in
Harry- what happened her
Me- JJ happened
He comes and sits next to me
I put my eye brow pencil down and turn to face him
Me- harry I don't know what to do any more
He takes my hand
Me- I have been dating JJ for like a month I have had so many arguments
Harry- do you love him, be truthful
I look harry right in the eye
Me- I think so
Harry- you can make it work then
Me- I guess
Harry- I'm gonna be truthful i may not like your choice in man but I will always be here for you
I smile at him
Harry- I will clean this up now get ready
Me- what would I do without you
He smiles and rushes off to get cleaning stuff well I quickly finish getting ready
I grab my handbag hug harry and run to greet Freya and the others in the car
Freya- let's go
We arrive at the mall and it is amazing we ended up trying on endless amounts of clothes and buying less than half of them
We had Starbucks
Not once did I worry about JJ, or any of the boys, I was being myself again with no worries! It was what I needed
Sarah- come on let's have a selfie
We all laugh and get into the camera border
We take a few before mega bitch arrives
Meghan- oh having fun with the other girls... trust me u won't see them again when I tell JJ about what I saw when u were getting Nando's
She runs off
Sarah- what was that?
Me- it's fine
Freya- she's a mega bitch
Me- trust me she's worse than that
Sarah- what happened when getting Nando's
Me- I may have accidentally kissed Simon
The girls gasped
Me- I know I messed up but...
Freya- do u really love JJ
Me- no... he forced me to be with him to break simons heart... that's why I have bruises all over my arms
Sarah- omg u need to tell them
Me- I can't I'm doing this for Simon plz don't tell anyone
Freya- we won't but we will make a messenger group chat and tell us everything
Me- thanks girls but come on let's ignore that and get on with shopping
Uh oh can the girls keep it a secret

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