Girls group chat

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-sdmn girls group chat PRIVATE-
Freya- this is the group chat for us girls only to talk about problems x
Me- okay thank you girls you don't have to do this x
Sarah- we are here for you x
Kayleigh- Hun tell us everything x
Me- what now? X
Freya- yes start from the beginning x
Me- I will do it in bits. You know I'm kinda falling for Simon. Anyway me and Simon came back from getting Nando's (after the kiss) and JJ said come upstairs whilst harry and the other boys talk to Simon. I heard smashing from downstairs and he blocked me into the corner saying I couldn't go down. That's when he told me I had to date him then after he knocked me out by punching me after and after again x
Sarah- wtf! X
Kayleigh- awww x
Freya- what then? X
Me- I ran to my room and Vik came in I told him I was falling for Simon and told him everything he said Simon fancies me and to stay away from harry and Simon for the night because I don't want to see them. I said if I tell him why I had been knocked out he had to tell me about Simon and harry. I agreed and Simon and harry had a punch up. I went to see harry but he told me to fuck off. I was walking back to my room and JJ caught me and beat me x
Kayleigh- glad to hear my boy is trustworthy x
Freya- babe x
Sarah- anything else x
Me- time went on he kept beating me up I am being bullied at school aswell so I kinda lost hope in myself and just wanted to curl up and die. That's about it really x
Freya- nah that's not right x
Sarah- awww trust me if that bullying gets worse they will have us girls vikk, callux and josh to face up to x
Me- thx glad to know u got my back x
Kayleigh- we always will! When do u go back to school? X
Me- on Mondaythe beginning of the year x
Freya- this is gonna be fun x
Sarah- we got this planned x
Me- what? X
Sarah- on Friday We will come 2 hours before school even if it is god knows what time in the morning give u a make over show them who they r really messing with x
Freya- whooo we will be there at 5am then we will take u and pick U up from school then we will take u to sdmn house!! X
Sarah- guys.... x
Me- what's up? X
Sarah- have u seen Simons twitter? X
Freya- no x
Kayleigh- oh fuck X
Me- what? X
Sarah- Simons not single x
Freya- Hun I'm so sorry we will also u look extra special then Simon can see what he's missing x
Me- ty x

-Simons PoV-
I couldn't help myself I wanted to prove to her I have moved on so I asked my ex to get back together with me and announced it straight away
I feel so bad
But I need to move on
I know she said she loves me but she's with JJ and JJ is my best friend

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