Playing it off

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Me- wtf have u done
Vikk glares at me
He pulls out the bottle sleeping stuff and stares at me
Vikk- explain
Me- she's trying not kill herself
He rolls his eyes
Vik- I am not thick JJ

I can't take this blame she will run to Simon and ruin everything
Vik- u fucking dick
Everyone runs up including Simon
Simon- wtf have u done to her
Harry- JJ...
Me- it wasn't me I was in the toilet
Josh- vikk...
Vik- r u dumb do u think I would do anything like this I'm not the one bullying her into dating me so she won't fall for Simon
Everyone freezes
Simon- what
Me- vikk stop talking shit just becuase u can't get a hot girl
She starts breathing heavily and me and Simon hold her hands I wanna shove him off but Vik has already said something I have had to play off
She opens her eyes and jumps at the sight at everyone and gets up
Me- babe u ok
-Lucy POV-
I stand up
JJ- babe u okay
Me- harry, I wanna go home
Harry- okay go get your stuff
Everyone clears and it's me and JJ I chuck stuff in my suitcase
JJ- u bitch why did u tell Vik
Me- because I'm being bullied at home and at school I don't want any more JJ I need someone to understand and I can't tell harry, he will stop me seeing anyone, or josh it will mess up the sidemen and I can't tell Simon
JJ- why not
Me- he'll tell harry and I can't speak to him without wanting to have him care for me
He rolls his eyes
Me- u don't get it do u
JJ- what
Me- I have feelings I wanna jump off a cliff
I grab my stuff and run out the room he grabs me punches me in the lip and locks himself in his room
I lean against the wall and slide down my hands up against my knees
Simon runs from his room next to me I go into his chest
Simon- u ok
Me- yeah
He lifts my chin up and looks at my lip
A tear rolls down my cheek and I see sadness in my eyes
Harry- u ready
I stand up and hug Simon
Me- thank you
Simon- don't know why u do it
Ohhh god! I really enjoyed writing this

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