Skipping school

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It's Monday haven't left my room for ages.
I need to get out of the house I txt the girls asking what they are doing
Whilst I wait for a reply I take a shower and freshen up
The girls r spending the day at sidemen house, they said I can come along but I don't think it's a good idea
After a phone call I tell JJ I'm coming for the day
I don't care about being caught who can stop me
I get dressed and meet harry
Harry- what about school
Me- last term so I don't give a flying
Harry- okay okay ready
Me- let's get this day over with
We arrive and meet the girls not one guy in sight
Harry's even gone and he was there 2 seconds ago
Me- where is everyone
Freya- it's fine they have gone to get something
Sarah- Simon and his girlfriend are upstairs
I rest me head on my hand and look at the girls
Me- what am I going to do
Kayleigh- what ever you can you aren't going to stop
Me- but I don't know what to do
Freya- why do u think you have us
I have an idea and it makes me laugh
Me- I have an idea
Sarah- yeah?
Me- let's go to jjs room but pass his on the way
Freya- let's see what they are doing
We creep up the stairs and towards jjs room but stop outside Simon and hide behind the wall
Venessa- what's on your mind
Simon- don't worry
Venessa- im your girlfriend I can help you with everything
Simon- not with this
Venessa- uhhhhhh what's wrong with you tell me
Simon- don't worry I don't want it on your mind
Venessa- does this make me look fat
Simon- yes
Me and the girls laugh then run downstairs
Me- were in trouble
Venessa runs downstairs
She grabs my arm
Venessa- this is once and the only time your aloud by my boyfriend I need you to find out what's on his mind
Me- how long do I have
Venessa- till tomorrow morning and I ill come back then so see ya

I tell the girls and they agree to stay out the way
I walk up to Simons room and knock on his door
Me- Simon it's me can I talk to you
He opens the door
Simon- come in
I sit opposite him
Me- okay so I don't really know if I should be doing this it's not really my buisnsss but Venessa
He sighs
Simon- what about her
Me- she wants me to find out what's on your mind
Simon- I
Me- take your time
Simon- there is something that's stopping me having a happy relationship if I tell Venessa she with just dump me
Me- I won't tell her but what is it
Simon- you
Me- me?
Simon- your on my mind 24/7
Me- why?
Simon- your in a relationship it's not right
He stands up and I do the same
He walks towards the door reaching for the handle before I run and push him away
Me- I am not in a relationship
Simon- what
Me- I am but I don't want to be
Simon- I love you
Me- really
He pushes me against the wall kissing me his soft lips are familiar and make me whilst I kiss him back
Simon- really
I kiss him again but pull away
Me- Venessa

Oh no. Sorry for not updating will soon

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