Seeing her again

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Dinner went down really good, no one mentioned what happened in the past. It was happy like we are all back to normal as friends, Simon couldn't be happier
We leave Nando's at like 9pm but no one wants to go home
We end up going to a local pub in town and having a few drinks before the girl herself walks in, Venessa
I was the first to spot her before Josh came over
Josh- u may not like her but u might wanna stop staring before she comes over
Me- I didn't even realise I was doing it
Josh just laughs before going more serious
Josh- I think we need to leave without Simon noticing her

I look over to Simon and JJ they look a little tipsy but I'm sure we could get them out
Me- how
Josh- just say you don't feel well, I'll get
Freya to say she isn't feeling very good as well
Me- okay I'll go over now
He gives me a quick nod before I walk over to Simon
He snaked his hand around my waist
Simon- u alright
Me- yeah but is it okay if I leave in a minute I'm not feeling well
Simon- awww u can't ditch me babe
I feel his warm breath on the back of my neck making my hairs stick up on ends
I hear him chuckle so he obviously noticed and i turned around looking him straight in the eye our heads centimetres apart
Me- u have the boys though
He keeps straight eye contact until he leans in and I feel his lips brush against my lips
It's so hard not to just do what he says
I have feel for him so deeply
I hug him looking over his shoulder at josh
I give him the "I don't know what to do now" face before pulling away and looking at Simon
Simon- how about u and Freya go back and I'll meet you later at home
Just them josh interrupts us
Josh- I'm gonna head back to ours with Freya cause she isn't feeling well but thanks for the meal
Josh looks at me
Me- yeah I'm not feeling good either
Simon- we might as well call it a night, go get your stuff and I'll go say bye to the boys
Me-thank you
He just smiles at me before going over to JJ
Me- thanks
Josh- no problem now let's get him out of here
Simon walks over a few minutes later before grabbing my hand
We slowly make our way to the door before someone yanks my hair, Simons hand lets go of mine and I turn to see Venessa
I turn back around to see Simon shoved up against the wall a man holding him with josh and Simon constantly kicking the man
He wouldn't let go
I don't know what's happening
I don't know how to help
Venessa- we know u won't run, can leave your precious Simon behind
Me- what do you want
Venessa- money and for u to have no life (laughs)
Me- go somewhere else and get it why us
Venessa- I know u secretly I have come across u before and now more than u think I do
I never loved Simon I used him for his money
Why would I go for someone like him I could go with anyone
Yet he didn't see that, i don't know why or how.
Freya walks up behind her and smashes a bottle on her head making her fall to the ground
The man lets go of Simon and runs to her holding her hand
I walk towards Simon and look at him he looks a state
Me- let's get you home
He takes my hand with a tighter grip this time
We call a taxi and head home
*time skip to back at the house*
Simon sits on the edge of the bath whilst I clear up the blood and the cuts on his face and chest
I don't know how they got there all I saw was him being held on the wall
He winces in pain
Me- I'm nearly done
I finish the last cut before standing up and looking at him
Me- done
He gets up and wraps his arms around me and we stay there for ages he whispers just loud enough for me to hear him
Simon- I know u weren't ill and you were doing it for me cause she was there thank you
Me- well I did it so this wouldn't happen yet it did
He pulls away ever so slightly so that his arms are still around my waist and my arms round his neck
Simon- but you tried and I can thank you for that
I kiss him on the lips before we head to his bedroom and go to sleep trying to forget everything that happened

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