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Christines P.O.V

"Good morning, Christine!" Raoul shouted as I opened my eyes. "I have been waiting for you to awake for hours!"

"Good morning, Raoul. Why have you been waiting?" I asked.

"The Opera Populaire is opening back up, and Andre and Firmin request you go sing for them once again!"

"Raoul, that's wonderful! Are we going?"

"Of course. Anything your heart desires."

"Am I singing as their lead soprano?"

"Yes, they will be pleased to see you."

"When is it reopening, may I ask?"

"Well, they want you there today. The preformance will be in two weeks from now." He smiled and I heard excitment in his voice. I stood up and hugged Raoul.

"I'm so excited!" I whispered I'm his ear. Then, Erik split my mind. "But, what about Erik?" I asked, shakiness in my voice.

"Oh darling," he chuckled "I'll keep you safe! I swear, he won't lay a finger on you."

"Strangley, I miss him." I thought out loud. I regreted saying it as soon as I was finished. I looked up into Raouls eyes, so full of anger.

"Excuse me, Christine?!" He asked so stunned and furious at what I said.

"Raoul, please. Don't get so worked up. Yes, I miss him, but nothing more than my Angel of Music..." He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me closer to him.

" Oh, good my dear," he said with a smirk, " I thought you might have wanted to leave me, for him!" He started to chuckle. I was used to him getting so protective, and sometimes hurting me. I guess it was no big deal. He let go with some force and I fell to the ground on my back.

"Get up, we should be heading to the Opera Populaire, now. I'll check on Gustave." He said like nothing even just happend.


I got up and put on a diffrent dress and pulled a comb through my curly hair. I had to look nice for my first day back at the Opera Populaire!

Raouls P.O.V

"Strangley, I miss him." Christine said. What?! How could she? Does she love him more than me? Is that why shes so excited to go back? My eyes filled with anger. She looked into my eyes and must have noticed because she assured me she misses him just because he was her Angel of Music. I groped her hair and pulled her into me. Her heart was racing, and so loud I could hear it. I told her what I was thinking, then pushed her to the floor. I was being silly, she's too in Love me to leave me! I told her we should be leaving now and went to check on Gustave. He was sound asleep in his bed. I walked over next to him and gently shook him awake.

He looked at me with sleepy eyes, "Yes, father?"

I smiled, "Get up and get ready, we have to leave for a bit." He arose and got ready. I went back to mine and Christine's room. She was sitting at her makeup desk, staring into the mirror. "Is something wrong, Christine?" I asked and she jumped, snapping her head torwards me.

Christines P.O.V

Come to me Angel of Music.

I am your Angel of Music.

Come to me Ange of Music.

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