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Eriks P.O.V

Gustave and I woke up in the waiting room of the hospital. We sat there for about an hour. Christine came out an looked fine, actually, she looked better, because she looked happy. We talked for a minute then went to the Opera Populaire. When we walked in, everyone was gathered on the stage, discussing one of the operas they would be preforming soon. "Good afternoon, everybody!" Christine said and everyone turned around. They left the stage and crowded around Christine and Gustave. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to her, when I finally reached her, she turned around and smiled that beautiful smile of hers. I stood next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist.

Christines P.O.V

"Mrs.Daae, this is Frederick, he's going to be running the business with Firmin and I!" Andre shouted. A very handsome man about my age was standing next to him.

"Its nice to meet you, Frederick. I'm Christine Daae." I shook his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs.Daae." He said with a smirk on his face. Erik interupted our gaze with a grunt.

"This is my son, Gustave," I said motioning to Gustave. "And my dear friend Erik Destler." I said turning around to see him.

A look of guilt came across, "I'm sorry I wasn't informed that you were married."

"I was married, but I am no longer." I replied. He grinned, "I am pleased to here that, Christine. I may call you Christine?" He asked. "Yes, of course. I don't mind at all." I smiled. He was being awfully polite to me. "May I help you to your room? We could get to know each other a bit?" He asked. "Sure, its good to know a bit about who I will working for." I said.

Gustave grabbed my dress as I went to walk away with Frederick, "I will stay here." I was suprised but agreed. I guess it would just be Frederick and I. I wasnt worried. Frederick seemed like a very friendly guy. We talked about our past, and about now so we could get to know each other. "It seems were here, Christine." He said as we aproached my door. "Yes it does," I turned to face him, "thank you for walking me here. It was very nice of you." He smiled, "Yes, maybe we can get to know each other a little bit more over dinner?" He asked. I was actually quite shocked. I don't think so, I love Erik. I couldn't ever do that to him. "Well, I don't think so-" Frederick leaned down and kissed me. I didn't kiss back, there was no love in it, it was dead. I pulled away as I heard a voice behind me, "Am I interupting anything?" I turned around. Erik. "No, please Erik! Please just listen, I didn't kiss him,he kissed me and I didn't kiss back, it wasn't like when we kiss!" I pleaded. "Oh, you guys are together?" Frederick asked from behind me. I turned around to face Frederick. "Well-" I was cut off. "Yes, we are. You should most likley leave now, leave Christine and I in peace. Thank you, goodbye." Erik said shoving me into my room and following me in. He closed the door and stood staring at me. "I don't think you'll have to worry about him again," He said smiling. I laughed and Erik and I kissed, for the first time in a while, and I was happy again. "Where's Gustave?" I asked Erik. "With Madame Giry, he's fine." I looked at him, "Are you-" he cut me off, "Sure? Yes I am." We kissed again and I was back in my happy place. He started singing to me, and I fell asleep in his big, masculine arms, happy.

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