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Hey phantomerz.. Yeah, no. Soo remember if I get 10 comment or 10'votes on the chapter, "Welcome to Phantasma!" I will make a sequel! Remember, only 24 parts! :D Only 5 more to go! Shout to Britishfanlover :) Thanks for commenting! Happy reading :}


Christens POV

"Erik," I said abruptly. "What are you doing here?!?"

"Christine, please-" He went to say but I cut him off.

"DON'T you Christine me! How dare you?! You left me, with Noah! He is my son, too ya know? Who carried him inside of them for nine months? Went through childbirth, then you take him? You have a serious problem, you do. Please, I'm sure you already know!" I shouted and saw pain in his eyes. "I see it in your eyes,"

"What," He asked.

"The pain." I said with a straight face. "Which you brought upon yourself. It's no ones fault but your own." I turned to leave my room and leave him to be a while when he grabbed my arm and whipped me around.

I struggled to get out of his tightening grip, "Let me go, you beast!" As soon as the words left my mouth I slapped my hand up over my mouth and his grip released and he turned from me. "I didnt mean that, but for gods sake, everything i said before that was true,"

"I know," He said in a hoarse whisper. "I know."

I turned to leave again but realized, this is MY room not his. HE should be the one leaving. "I think you need to leave now." I commanded.

"You are correct," He walked up to the mirror. "Good day, Madame."

He left and I ran an slammed the mirror shut. I slid down and sat on the floor. No tears. No heartbreak. No nothing.

"Christine," Raoul shouted worriedly as he entered the room. "What is wrong?"

"Hes here," I replied calmy still not looking at him.

"Who? Who is here? Is it.....him? Erik?" He asked.

"Yes, Raoul,"

"No!" He screamed and turned from me atrophy toward the chair. "He can't be, not now. Not ever!"

"Raoul, what are you saying," I questioned confused.

"Im still inlove with you, Lottie. And I was planning on getting you back."

"Oh, Raoul..." I cooed. Maybe a part of me is still inlove with Raoul.

"Please, Christine. Don't act like you care!"

"But I do care, please just listen." He stared at me intently while inthiught of what to say. "Raoul, maybe somewhere a part of me is still in love with you. And thats all I know of us. I still love Erik, but I can't say I'm in love with him any more. After all this,"

"Christine, listen to yourself!" He shouted in my face. "You still love someone who left you with your son for a year! And now he wants you back," He shook his head. "Unbelievable. Who was next to you this whole time? Who spent with you those sleepless nights when all you could think about was that hell spawn? Me! It was always me, Christine, and you know that. You're just too scared,"

"Scared?!" I asked slightly offensed. "Of what could I possibly be scared of?!?"

"Him! That he will get mad,"

"Oh, please! I could care less about him!" I yelled unaware if it was true or not. For some reason, I was filled with love for one man and one man only....My sweet childhood friend, Raoul.

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