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Hey, I probably won't update on any of my other stories anytime soon cause I just want to finish this one. So 3 more chapters to go! Still only one comment on welcome to Phantasma.. so maybe no sequel? Sorry guys, I am. :'( 3 more chapters than it's

All over....

But still, Happy reading :}


Christine's POV

"Raoul," I said sweetly.

"Yes, Christine?" He said back equally sweet.

"What am I going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have a son, that I will never be able to see. And my marriage..."

"The due date for your marriage was a year ago. And as for your son...I don't know."

"Raoul, can you please leave for a few moments. I need time to think about things," I asked/commanded and shoved him out. He still doesn't know that I love him and only him right now. But I have to see my son! I can't just never see him.

"Erik," I said as I opened the mirror. He was standing and watching over Phantasma. "Erik." I repeated and he turned around.

"Hello, Madame." He said darkly.

"Where is he?"I asked helplessly.

"Who?" He asked.

"Noah! Our son, where is he?" I pleaded. "I need to see him."

"Fine, follow me." He gave up, good.


He led me into an area. There was a huge picture of me and an organ. Which Noah was sitting at, banging on the keys.

"No no no!" Erik said, rushing to the organ. "We don't play like that, please get down." He was gentle with his son. Noah ran towards me.

"Mama?" He asked and cocked his head to the side. I felt my eyes sting a but with tears.

"Yes, hunnie. It is mama. I missed you." I said bending down to pick him up. I rested him on my hip.

"Don't we look like a perfect family?" Erik said walling forwards.

"Yes. Yes we do." I said, realizing where he was getting at.

Erik leaned in and kissed me and all felt right. Like our lips were meant for each other. "Let's get married, tonight." Erik said.

"Tonight? That's a little soon, don't you think?"

"No, if you love me, Christine, you will marry me


"Okay, where?"

"At the chapel, down the street."

I smiled, "Lets just pick up where we left off." We kissed again and heard Noah say, "ew". Which made us laugh.

*2 weeks later*

"Hurry up, my love or we will miss the boat!" Erik rushed me. We where leaving and going to Paris to the Opera Populaire. Home sweet home. I wrote Raoul a note. He doesn't know about Erik and I getting married or any of that. So he doesn't knowing leaving either. He is out who knows where. So nows my chance. Erik, Noah, and I left for the dock.

As we hurried to the dock, we were careful not to bump into Raoul by any means. He would just die if he knew. If he saw me hurrying to leave him so quickly his heart would break right there.

We boarded the boat and were off to Paris. Back to where it all started. Everything, and I mean, everything.

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