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HELLO GUYS :) Im so sorry I haven't updated in so long I was busy with Play Practices, my little 4 month old sister and babysitting her, my Joey Graceffa fanfic!!! But I will be updating this one and the other two within the next couple days :) Love youu ;)


Christines POV

*2 months later*

I walked up to the opera house. I was here to see Erik! It's been two months since I bluffed and said I loved Raoul. I've been in a hotel room this whole time. My stomach has gotten bigger since the baby. I knew he was mad so I had to give him some time to cool down. I went down the long passageway. Erik was playing his organ when I finally reached his lair. I noticed the tune and started singing,

When will the blood begin to race?

The sleeping bud burst into bloom?

When will the flames atlast, consume us?

Erik started singing along in shock with me,

Past the point of no return,

The final threshold,

The bridge is crossed,

So stand and watch us burn!

We've passed the point of no, return...

"Christine, what are you doing here?" He asked sadly.

"What? I can't see the love of my life, my fiance, the father of my unborn child?" I said softly but sternly.

"I thought you loved Raoul, how is he by the way?"

"Oh come on, we all know that I don't love Raoul! I just said that because I was mad at you, and he's fine! Alive and well,"

"So I'm no murderer?"

"Well, of course you are, Buqet?"

"Oh, right!" He said as he actually chuckled a bit.

"Erik, forgive me please! For all I have done to you, for mine, yours, and the Childs sake,"

"You hurt me, Christine! You left me...twice!"

"Oh, Erik that was awhile ago, and you made me! Both times,"

"Okay, Christine. I forgive you!" He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss. He pulled away, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you, too."

He rubbed my stomach, "Any names?"

I nodded, "I didn't think much but I have some,"

"And they are....?"

I breathed in a bit, "Well, if it's a girl, Katelyn, and if it's a boy, Noah. Hows that?"

"Oh, Christine. Noah, I love that name!" He kissed my stomach gently then trailed kisses up my neck to my lips.

"I'm glad to hear you like it," I said as I broke our kiss.

*7 months later*

I screamed a blood curdling scream as a contraction rippled through my body.

"Almlst there, Christine! One more push," The doctor said.

"Chrisine, my love, you can do this! Stay strong for our child," Erik said as I squeezed his hand tighter. I let out the biggest push I've had yet. I heard a cry and I got that feeling of relief as I relaxed and panted hard.

"It's a boy, Madame," The doctor said as he gently placed the baby in my arms. "What's his name?"

"Noah," I said. "Noah Jean."

"That's a beautiful name, Noah Jean Destler." Erik said sweetly. Erik and I are getting married next month.

"I'm tired, can I go to sleep now?" I said softly.

"Of course, Madame. I will be going now, congratulations on your new child," The doctor said and left my dressing room.

"May I, Erik?" I asked softly, again.

"Of course, darling! Sleep tight, Noah and I will ve waiting when you wake up," I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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