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Christines P.O.V

I cried. For hours. What's Raoul planning to do? Is he going to kill himself? And what about Erik? He could be dead. I haven't seen Mamdame Giry or him for him since she took him in. She told me things weren't looking good. That he already lost a lot of blood. I was scared. I got up and left my room. Madame Giry was walking down the hall torwards me, "Mrs.Daae! Christine, oh Christine!" She shouted walking a little faster.

                  "Madame Giry, what is it?" I asked worrying.

                  "He's........Dead. I'm so sorry, I did all I could to help him but he had already bled too much. Would you like to see him?" I was shocked and sad and angry at the same time. I was lost for words so I shook my head yes. She lead me to her room and let me go in first. She showed me to the couch he was on when he died. She opened the curtain and let me in for some time to say goodbye. He wasn't there. He wasn't on the couch. All there was, was a blood stain. "Giry," I called, "Could you come here?" She came in and looked at the couch.

               "Where is he?" She asked.

                "I don't know. I was hoping you knew."

                "I haven't the slightest clue,"
                " Well we have to find him! Maybe he's not dead!"

                 "Maybe. Split up?"

                 "Sure. Let me go fix up." I left for my room having a feeling of hope. But then I realized, what if Raoul took him? What if he's still dead? That's no way of thinking right now, I must find him either way. I opened the door to my room and walked in.

    Christine I love you....

I heard a voice cry. I smiled and walked to the mirror. The mirror flew open. Erik stood there. He was furious and without his mask. My smile faded. Not because his mask was off but because he was angry. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the path.

  Down once more to the dungeon of my black dispair, down we plunge to the prison of my mind.
Down that path into darkness deep as hell!
Why you ask was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place? Not for any mortal sin but the wickedness of my abhorent face!
Hounded down by everyone,

Met with hatred everywhere,

No kind words from anyone,

No compassion anywhere, Christine...why?

We were replaying what happened years ago. We were standing infront of the life sized doll me wearing the wedding dress. "Erik, what's wrong? What's happening?" I asked him. His grip on my wrists loosened a bit.

                 "Don't play like you have no idea what's wrong! You and Raoul. I heard a bit of it, you told him you never loved me and you loved him, and Gustave..." His voice trailed off and h started crying.

                  "No, it was all an act! I had to get you help!" I explained more to him. He understood, thankfully.

                   "Why didn't you want to marry me?"

                   "I just ended a marriage, it was too soon start another one!" I cried to him. Raoul barged in, drunk. Yelling about how I don't love Erik, and how he felt in our kiss there was something.

              "Kiss? Christine, you never mentioned, a kiss?" He said.

              "I..I.....but....I..Erik...." I pleaded.

              "Christine! How could you? Never talk to me or think of me again!" He cried,

I gave you my music,
Made your song take wing,
and now,
how you've repaid me,
denied me and betrayed me...

      "No, Erik please!" I cried and pleaded.

Swear to me, never to tell, about the angel in hell!
Go now! Go now and leave me!

Raoul wrapped his arm around my waist and dragged me into the boat. "Please! Please Erik please!" I kept yelling and crying over the edge of the boat. "Christine stop!" Raoul shouted angrily pulling me away from the edge and smashed my back on the bottom of the boat and I screamed.

                  "Christine!" I heard Erik yell worriedly before I passed out.

Eriks P.O.V

She was crying and pleading. I was about to give in when Raoul grabbed her shoulder and pushed her down. I heard a loud crack and a scream. "Christine!" I yelled. Her eyes fluttered closed. "Victome!" I yelled. But the boat turned the corner and I could no longer see it. "Christine, what have I done?" I whispered to my self.  I will find her.

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