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Hey guys, again! I just want to dedicate this whole story to myfantasyworld because she inspired me enough to try and write my own story! If you havent yet, go read her story 'Say You Love Me' and 'Love Never Falters'. Okay guys, keep reading and commenting.

Christines P.O.V

Erik sat with a look happiness, and sadness on his face, "Angel, I'm sorry to hear all you had to put up with when you and Raoul were married. But also very happy. I'm sorry to say that I'm happy as well but-"

"I get it, Erik. I know why you are happy, and I understand." I leaned in and kissed him softly on his cheek. I loved him more than anything. I didn't feel ashamed or guilty to say that anymore since Raoul and I aren't together anymore.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me!

Erik sang to me looking into my eyes. I got lost in those beautiful blue eyes. He leaned in to kiss me. He was about to touch my lips before we were so rudely interupted, "I hope I'm not disturbing you, Mrs.Daae."

"Victome, we meet again." Erik said tensing up.

" Yes, Mr.Destler. I have just come to speak with Christine."

" Oh, what is it?" I asked him.

" Christine, I love you." His face was full of sadness. My heart broke. Eriks grip tightened.

"Raoul, I'm so sorry." I said standing up. I was sorry, but I would never go back to him ever again.

"Christine!" He shouted, his voice full of joy, for some odd reason. He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and planted his lips upon mine. I was disgusted. I did not kiss back. Erik arose quickly and pushed him off of me.

"Christine, you still love me, don't you?" Raoul asked. Erik looked at me and waited for me to answer.

"Raoul.." I pleaded.

" Do you?"

" No. I dont love you anymore. I love Erik." Raouls face drooped and Eriks face brightened. Erik turned me to face me. Both of his hands were resting on my shoulders.

Christine I love you....

He pulled me in and kissed me passionatley. This was the man that I would kiss back. I pulled away and faced Raoul, "I think you should go," he left with a sad look displayed on his face. I continued kissing Erik. My handsome, dangerous yet gentle, Angel of Music. I smiled against his lips. I felt him chuckle.

Eriks P.O.V

Christine, she was finally mine! I've waited for this moment all my life. Christine and I broke our kiss. We caught our breath. She rested her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my stomach. I placed my hands on her lower back and rubbed up and down. "I love you so much, Christine. Never leave me again please!" I pleaded.

"I will never leave you, Erik." She replied softly.


"Yes?" She said resoundingly. I pulled out the ring she gave me the night she chose Raoul and got down on one knee, "Christine, would you help me make the music of the night?" she smiled.

" Yes!!!!" She exclaimed and I scooped her up bridal style. I loved this woman more than words will ever show.

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