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Hey, I updated my status guys :'( check it out...... We've had a good run guys and now in only 2 more chapters, Christine and Eriks story will be done....I'll miss you all </3 but remember I still have my other two phantom phanfics ;) Love you all!!

Happy reading :}


Christine's POV

"Honey," Erik said while we were getting ready to dock.

"Yes, darling?" I ask him.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Oh my, what is it?"

"I-well- we, are the proud owners of the Opera Populaire!" He said happily.

"Are you serious? Erik, this is amazing! Thank you," I hugged him tightly. "You are absolutely amazing I couldnt ask for a better husband." I kissed him on his unmasked cheek and considered taking his mask off but decided against it since we'd be docking any moment now.

We heard Noah begin to fuss as we stared into each others eyes. I unlocked my eyes from his to show Noah some attention to make him happy. "Hello, Noah." I said picking him up from is crib.

"Mama," He cooed to me.

"Let's go, my loves. The ship is docked!" Erik said kindly and gently as he walked past us.

We got off the boat and sure enough there was reporters. Erik didn't answer anything and we loaded into a carriage that took us to the Opera house where Andre and Frimin greeted us.

"Congrajulations, you two. I must say, you and Erik look wonderful and happy together." Firmin said after we talked a bit.

"Oh, thank you Firmin. That's so kind of you to say," I replied.

"Well, Andre and I should be on our way. Good-bye, Mr+Mrs.Destler." and with a tip of the hat, they both were gone. Leaving Erik and I to our decision making.

"Erik, can we please put on Hannibal?" I begged.

"But, Christine, I want to do Don Juan!" He would complain back.

After a while of discussion, we came to the conclusion of Hannibal. Ladies choice, well kind of. "This is why you don't argue with Mrs.Destler, Erik!" I said teasingly.

"Oh, is that so?" He said with a smirk. He kissed me on the cheek, "Are you sure now that you want to do Hannibal?"

He must of though I fell under his spell. "Yes, Erik! We are doing Hannibal, deal with it." I said and winked at him.

"Well, should we hold auditions?" I ask.

"Absolutley, what's a show without a cast?" He badly joked.

"Perfect, when?"

"Let's do on Monday, two days from now."

"Sounds perfect,"

"I know it does, doesn't it?" He said with an even bugger smirk on his face.

Soon casting would begin.

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