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Hey readers :) The chapter title is from Love Never Dies because I watched if for the first time :) Gustave is the most adorable thing ever, and I mean like baby cute not Gerard Butler cute. If you haven't yet, please read Let My Opera Begin and my new one From the Beginning of the Aria which has a modern twist kind of :) Okay, enjoy this chapter

Christines POV

I stood there on the stage in Eriks arms. He sighed. "Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"I have to tell you something," He said sadly.

"What is it?" I asked now becoming worried.

"After the doctor told me you were pregnant, I thought it was Raouls, honestly. I was mad and jealous of him," He looked into my eyes and layed a hand on my cheek, "So I stormed out of your room to find Raoul," He gulped, "And when I did, I told him you were pregnant and he was overcome with joy, I still thought it was his at this time, so, I stabbed him in the stomach. I think he's dead, I'm so sorry Christine I know he was the only thing from your childhood and I took that from you," I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Raoul could be dead, because of him. I backed away from him, "Christine, please!" He pleaded as he reached for me.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped.

"Christine, listen," He tried to get me to calm down.

"No, no way I am listening to you," I said fiercely and an emotion flickered in his eyes. "God, I shouldnt be acting like this. Like my whole world just fell apart because Raoul is possibly dead. Maybe I am inlove with him,"

"Christine, you know he isn't for sure dead yet? We don't know if he is or not he's still in the hospital, but how could you say that?"

I began wondering, am I inlove with Raoul and have just thought that his whole time I was inlove with Erik? "I don't know, maybe just maybe, it's your voice that inlove with not you as a man,"

"What? Christine remember I am the father of that child!" He shouted pointing his finger at my stomach.

"Yes, but this child shouldn't have a father, whose a murderer," He looked so hurt.

"Or a father who is always wearing a mask," He said as he turned around. "Just go, that's what I think is best. Promise he the child shall never know,"

"I promise," I said as I turned and left the stage quietly. Raoul would have to think it's his, if he lives. Dear god, I hope he lives! He's the only thing I have now, but I know I can't be inlove with him, I just said that so I could win, I couldn't possibly! My mind was wondering, that's all. I love Erik, sincerly. But he could have killed a man, and if I were to have to stayed, I would be heartbroken due to Erik most linley being put in jail for gods sake! I knew what my life would be now,

Just love, just live,

Just give what I can give,

And take what little I deserve.

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