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Hey, what's up? So I made some alterations to my profile, adding stuff to about me, changing my status, and revealing my name which is Dakota! Yep.. Also, I posted a message on my message board so check that out pleassssssseeeee! Happy reading =)


Christines POV

"Wake up," I was gently cooed out of my sleep by a gentle voice.

I turned my head over to see Erik gently swaying with Noah in his arms. "Yes?"

"Just wanted to see you before I leave," He said sitting down on the bed.

"Leave?!" I said frantically. "Leave where?!"

"Calm down, Christine. Only a few days I'll be gone. I'm taking Noah with me," He said getting up from the bed. "That's ok, right?"

"Yes, of course. I could use some rest without a baby crying in my ear for a couple days,"

"Okay, good." He walked over and kissed me on the forehead. "I will let you get some more sleep. I don't have to leave for another two hours anyway,"

I smiled a thankful smile, "Thank you so much." I said and laid back down and fell back to sleep.


I woke up to a feeling of.......emptiness. I turned over and saw a rose with the thorns carefully plucked off the stem, and tied with a black bow. I picked it up and felt the silliness of the bow. Underneath the rose lie a note addressed with "My Christine"

I opened the note and read,

My dearest Christine,

Noah and I have left now. We shall return in exactly 5 days. We will both miss you dearly. Have a wonderful time with your rest and relaxation, my angel. I love you, and miss you so much already.

With love,

Your angel of music, Erik

I smiled and felt warm at the note. He's so sweet. No one can top him, in the sweetness or in the looks factor. Even with his disfigurement and his almost bald head, he's the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on.

I sighed, "What shall I do first?"

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, reaching my arms up to the ceiling hearing my back crack and yawn a quiet but long yawn.

"Good morning, Christine." I flashed around to see none other than Raoul. He must have saw the shock on my face, for he held a hand up and said calmly, "Don't worry, I'm bot here to harm or take you. Erik got in touch with me to just, keep and eye on you the next few days. Not be around all the time bur check in every so often."

I nodded, "Well, I'm glad. I guess it will be nice to have some company around here." I looked at him and remembered the good times we had as children. "My dear old friend, how I've missed you." I smiled and so did he at hearing these words. I have missed Raoul. He is a close friend of mine, and I could never bear to lose him over a love triangle.

"I missed you, too, my dear old friend." I smiled even wider to hear him say those words!

"Please, Raoul, forgive me. For all I have put you through," I felt like I just said this all to Erik, my sweet sweet Erik. "I want to be your friend so much, we used to have such good times as friends. Please you are the only thing from my childhood. Please!" I pleaded.

"Of course, mademoiselle." Raoul said surprisingly happy. "I must go, now. Unless, you want me to prepare breakfast for you?"

"For us, possibly?"

"Of course." He said and went on to cooking for us both. I could hear my stomach gargiling from the lack of food inside.

Eriks POV

"Hello, Mr.Destler." A man by the name of Mr. Marion greeted me. He opened two huge gates to show me around the huge strip of land with a building forward the far end and an extremely tall one with a skull on top and a slide coming from it's mouth like a tounge. Perfect.

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