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Hey guysssss, um this chapter is short. Sorry! But maybe I'll update soon. Im listening to the soundtrack right now! Enjoy and leave your comments!

Eriks P.O.V

Christine could be hurt, bad. I have to find where Changy has her. I have to make her love me again. I won't accept that her and Raoul are at once together again. This is torture thinking of them and Gustave. Gustave! My son, is he still in the hospital pr wherever he is? I haven't the slightest clue. But they both will be safe, I promise to myself I'll keep them safe.

Christines P.O.V

I woke up in a big white bed. I looked over to see who was next to me. The blanket was folded back, the sheets were crumpled, and the pillow had a dent in it. Raoul. I walked out of the room, there was a long hallway and a little kitchen are that was connected to a room with a small couch, two chairs, and a brown coffee table. Raoul was making coffee in the kitchen. He heard me come in annd whipped his head around. "Good Morning, my sweet angel." He remarked . "Don't call me that, I'm not with you." I said angrily.

"Here," He handed me a mug of coffee, "Drink it fast then get ready, I have a suprise for you." He left back into the room. dumped the coffee down the drain just in case he might have done anything to it. Then joined Raoul in the room. Raoul shirt was off and he was looking for a new one in his suitcase. He looked up and smiled as I entered. He had a beautiful white dress layed on the bed. "Is that for me?" I asked and he nodded slipping his shirt on. I went to the bathroom and put on the dress. When I came out Raoul wasnt in the bedroom, so I looked for him. He was outside with a carriage. "Let's go." I said reluctantly, not knowing what he had planned. After a short amount of time the carraige stopped and we got out. There was a house a little one floored house. Raoul led me to the front door. The landscaping and the house was beautiful. Raoul opened the door. There was a living room, a kitchen and a hallway. Down the hallway was a door. Along the hallway there were four doors. "Show me around," I said to Raoul. He led me to the first door. It was just a closet for coats and such. The next door was a small bedroom. The sheets and pillowcases were black, as well as the blanket. The next door was a slightly bigger bedroom. The sheets were dark blue and the blanket was a sky blue. There was a little table at the end of the bed. There were droors close to the floor, and on top was a closet with two sliding doors. He showed me the last bedroom and the bathroom. We heard a knock from the door. "Here my other half of the suprise is now!" He said cheerfully. He brought me to the door. A man stepped in and following him came........"

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