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Christine's POV

*Eriks lair*

I was playing with Noah in Erik and I's bedroom while Erik played the organ. After awhile, Eriks music stopped. "Stay here, Noah." I commanded as I went to check on Erik.


Erik was tied up to the gate and choking. Raoul had him tied up and kept pulling the rope tighter and tighter. Eriks mask was floating around in the water. "Raoul!" I screamed in tears.

"Oh Christine, I thought you'd be here," He said darkly.

He let go of the rope and walked to the middle of the water. Erik was still tightly tied up but he could breathe atleast. "What do you want?!"

"You little whore!" Raoul yelled. "You left me for what? Erik! That distorted, monstrous, murderer! God, him really?! You said you couldn't care less about that hell spawn demon! Then why did you leave me for him? Without anything but a note,"

"Raoul, you are being ridiculous! Please just untie Erik and leave us in peace!" I yelled back at him.

"No! I will never leave until I have what is mine!"

Raoul grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me into the water. He tried giving a sloppy drunken kiss but I yelled, "No! I don't love you Raoul! I never have and I never will!" I struggled to get out of his grip.

"You shouldn't have said that, dear Christine." He said darkly. he pulled put a knife and plunged it deep into my stomach.

I fell into the water as he pulled it out. I hear Erik being untied and he ran over to me.

Once upon another time

Our story had only begun

I had a taste of joy

The most I ever knew.

And now it seems there's no time

And our story is done.

What about the boy what am I to do?

Just love just live

Just give what you can give

And take the love that you deserve.

Come closer I beg you

Closer still

Remember love never dies

Kiss me one last time

He leaned in and kissed me. As we were kissing i could feel my heart stop.

Learn to be Lonley (A Phantom of the Opera fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now