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Hey readers. I decided to update since I had some extra time. I was at my grandparents and I've had play practice and upcoming play practices so I don't know how often I can update!! Enjoy this chapter, comment&Vote and maybe even a follow would be nice? Also, sorry if I skip some lyrics =)

Eriks P.O.V

"I wonder if you knew," I whispered to Christine who is still passed out. "I wonder..." I repeated. She fussed a bit and fluttered her big brown eyes open.

"Well, hello there." I said to her with a smile across my face.

"Hello, how long was I out?"

"Only a few hours, not too long."

"Oh, good."

"The doctor came and checked you out," I said. "And,"

"And...? Whats wrong with me? Am I going to die?"

"Christine, your not going to die."

"Oh, thank god! Then what is it?" She asked very confused.

"You didn't know?"

"Know? Know what? Erik, spit it out,"

"Christine, you're pregnant." A look or shock took over her confused face, then a happy one.

"Erik, this is wonderful." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Whose is it?" I asked.

"Angel, its yours. I've never done anything with Raoul, granted there was plenty of times he tried but none worked." She smiled again and then look sad, "You don't believe me?"

"Angel, of course I do! I'm just so delighted! We have two children together now, but we aren't even married.." I looked up at her, I got down on one knee and took her shaking hand, "Christine Daae, will you marry me and become Christine Destler?" She smiled widley and a tear slipped down her face.

"Of course, angel." She said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied softly and hugged her tightly. "Mrs.Christine Destler, I like the sound of that."

Christines P.O.V

I kissed Erik, "I like the sound of that, too." I smiled at him. I don't care about his distortions, I see him as perfect.An angel. An angel of darkness, at some times I must admit. He rubbed my stomach.

"But, as my husband, you will have to learn to take off the mask," I said as I slowly took the mask off. He just sat there and looked down as tears welled up in his eyes. I kissed his distored cheek and felt a tear hit my face. I pulled back and saw Erik was crying, "Erik, why are you crying?" I ask him as I wipe his tears away.

"I'm just so glad to have someone like you," He said putting his hand on my cheek. "Who sees the inner beauty in people," I smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and cradled me and sang to me,

Say you'll share with me

One love, one lifetime.

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