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Christines P.O.V

A man stepped in and following him came.........."Gustave!" I shouted. I hugged him. "Oh my god, Gustave are you alright? Oh my god I missed you so much! I love you!" I cried hugging him to death. "Mother I'm alright. But, I need to ask you something." He said. "Yes, anything. Here let's sit." I brought him over to the couch and set him down. "Now, what is it, honey?"

"Mother.......Why does father wear a mask?" My heart dropped and so did my smile.

"What do you mean? Father? Honey, your father is right here,"

"No, A man came to see me in the hospital. He told me that he is my father and the night you became pregnant with me, you were marrying another man the next day." I could hear Raoul grunt.

"Honey, that man that came to visit you was," should I tell him?


"Your father. Its true. The night before I was married to Raoul, the man who you thought was your father, I went to see your father and things got out of hand. I later found out I was pregnant with you! My sweet son!" We smiled and hugged once again.

"Do you love father?"

"Yes, honey. I love your father very much! He is the only man that I do love."

"Why are we here then? With him?" He asked pointing to Raoul.

"Because he stole your mother, that's why." I spun around and saw Erik standing behind Raoul. "But no worries, son. Father is here for you now."

My back started aching and I went to stand up and it cracked loudly and I fell back on the couch and let myself.......sleep.

Eriks P.O.V

Christine fell back on the couch and closed her beautiful eyes.

"No, Christine!" I heard Raoul yell. I pushed Raoul to the floor. The man to the right of him stepped in to action and I pushed him down too. I scooped Christine up and grabbed Gustaves hand. We got out of there and went back to the opera house.


We arrived at the opera house and people crowded around us as I dropped Christine on the stage. "Giry!" I called.

"Yes, I can help her! Bring her to my room so I can try and see what's wrong." She said quickly and sharply. I layed her on the couch, the same one I woke up on when Raoul stabbed me.

"Its her back, her spine. Call the doctor. I can't help with her spine. Now!" She yelled so I called for a doctor. The doctor came and took her away in few moments. Gustave was just sitting in the corner, staring at nothing with eyes wide open.

"Son, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, father. Where did they take mother?"

"Let go." I told him. We went to the hospital.

We went to the desk up front were a lady was sitting. "Excuse me, ma'am."

"May I help you sir?"

"I need to see a women, she just came in I believe. Christine Daae?"

"Oh, yes. I do recall a Christine Daae, you cannot see her at the moment but would you like to know what's wrong?"

"Yes, please."

"Ahem, well it seems that her spinal cord is broken. I'm sorry sir but there is a possibility that she could die. The injury is quite serious."

"Thank you." I said choking back tears. I didn't know what to do but just sit there with Gustave, and wait.

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