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Christine's POV

"Honey?" Erik cooed as we were getting ready for the boat to dock soon.

"Yes, darling?" I cooed back.

"I want to tell you something,"

"What is it?"

"I-well-we are the proud owners of the opera populaire!"

"What?" I said stepping out of the bathroom to see him. "Erik, that's amazing! You are an amazing husband!" I kissed him and we gazed into each others eyes.

Noah began to fuss so I unlocked our eyes and went to give Noah some attention. "Hello, my baby boy."

"Mama!" He replied in his sweet baby voice. I picked him up and rested him on my hip.

"Come on, my loves. The boat is docking." Erik Sid sweetly and gently.

We got our things and left. As excepted, there was reporters. Which we ignored. Erik fetched us a carriage and we all loaded in. Andre and firmin were waiting paitently outside for us.

"I must say, you two make a wonderful couple and a happy family." Andre said before we began.


"Good day you two, have a wonderful life. We will be seeing all the productions!" Firmin yelled and with a tip of a hat they were off, leaving Erik and I to discuss our plans.

"Please, Erik, let's put on Hannibal!" I would beg.

"But, darling I think we should do Don Juan." He would whine back. We went on for hours just bickering about which opera to put on.

We eventually ended up with Hannibal. "See, that's why you never mess with Mrs.Destler!" I said teasingly.

"Oh is that so?" He replied with a smirk.

"Yes! You'll never come out a winner,"

"Really, cause I came out a winner. Mrs.Destler IS my wife you know?"

I faked a gasp, "Really?!"

He laughed. "Yes, I did the same thing in my head when she accepted my purposal."

I punched him playfully in his arm, "Be quiet you!"

He leaned in and kissed me. Noah began waking up from his nap so I broke our kiss.

"Hello, sonny." Erik said getting up to cradle Noah in his arms. "How was that nap?"

Noah replied with a huge smile and a giggle.

"Let's do auditions on Monday, two days from now." I said and Erik agreed.

Soon, casting for our opera will begin!

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